
My point exactly. Didn't see this when I replied earlier.

He was probably acting like a child for goodness’ sake!!!

I would imagine however, that you probably read to him, bought him toys that had problem solving, color/shape recognition, worked on his ABC’s, and spoke proper grammar in front of him, etc....

For me it is like I never felt marriage was necessary, I spent most of my 30s being a caretaker to my ailing parents. I went thru an understandable depression and now BOOM, I’m the crazy dog lady down the street. I don’t feel bad that i’m not married -but I do resent being compared to the spinster sisters in the

A woman with an anti-corruption, public safety agenda. Definitely suspicious.

‘’Twas a long day in the nerves house yesterday as I am glad he’s gone. My S.O. agrees that although he was a douche of the most evil measure, it’s not nice to be glad of ones time on earth coming to an end. I say F that, if you’re a deplorable human being, and he was, there is no shame in being relieved that his

I had never heard “Christ on a cracker!” anywhere but in my grandparents home until Pete Campbell got pissed off in a scene.

My dear departed mother wisely told me that “a man who marries his mistress creates a vacancy.”

But they KNOW. The truth and are just trying to help us when they tell us we’re going to hell.

They did ALL of the work and food prep and she had a shit fit! And anyone who uses the word “the help” these days deserves the Dutch oven treatment.

Yes!!! Those cabinets! I keep thinking if she's so damn rich why do I have a nicer kitchen in my track house?

My dad tried to get shared custody of me because he didn’t want to pay child support. Neither one of my parents had their shit together, and frankly I didn’t know my dad that well (travelled on “business” a lot) so I wanted to stay in the home I grew up in and not be shuttled around to live part time with a weird

Well, thanks!!!!!

Scary truism: I have a very close relative that is a pilot on a major airline that starts with a “U”. He regularly calls FA’s “faggots,” “whores,” or the attendant slur for whatever group he currently hates (all of us.) this is his most minor infraction. He has been on quadruple secret probation, did a month of

This is true. I dried up when I quit drinking 10 years ago. Beer goggles got me laid a lot more than coffee shop eye googling. Flirting is hard sober- as are wedding cakes.

Me too. The guy seems to be dying of loneliness in his own home. She uses him as a sperm donor. He said once, ironically to Bruce “When was the last time you had sex at night?” They don’t sleep together - she does the attachment parenting thing- great for your sex life. They’re co-dependent roommates and he can’t get

He is so gross- can't wait to gag over the accidental sex tape release. Hopefully she fakes orgasms better than Kim. I know I can.

She is still wearing schmattas!! (Sp?)

Kylie’s insolent hair flipping, incessant texting (what the hell do she and Tyga talk about so fucking much??) and fingernail/navel gazing are exactly why I want to slap rich white teenaged girls. They want to be like her!!!! I’m an old, but at least Brooke Shields went to Princeton. Seriously, WHAT is the appeal? She

I'm already depressed.