
Our growing up stories are very similar. My boner poking manifested itself in a “I’m a wild mustang, you can have me if you can catch me.” How so many men went bonkers for me was very exciting. Until. Eventually they always tried to “break me.” Why was I so loud, couldn’t I be more ladylike at his parents country

🎤 He's got Marty Feldman eyes.......

Funny how a man’s boner became your problem. (Head explodes love in the classic movie ‘Scanners’)

Thank you for your work! It has to be a calling because having badnerves and all, I’ve watched my local HUGE university hospital’s staffing disintegrate because of burnout (mostly dealing with insurance companies) and the amount of clients they must see.....all while trying to provide empathy and help to those who

Actually, his predecessor Ted Strickland was in charge of cleaning up the fallout from Dubya that trickled down to the states. I am from Ohio and thought Kasich was acting reasonable for awhile......then he got on the anti-planned parenthood train and I had to put him back in his asshole (R) column. Still, he's a

I've FINALLY convinced those closest to me, that when I go into the fetal position, tough love IS NOT THE ANSWER!!! Empathy and space are. I have to keep up my end with therapy and meds. My family screamed at me for years to just quit having bad nerves. It only traumatized me further as childhood abuse was the

He was on Stern and was a very sad and quiet character. Tears of a clown- see it all the time.

Stop the presses, Chris Matthews is a man with a penis.

Everything I’ve read on this topic is that TRO’s just infuriate these maniacs. A piece of paper, fear of possible arrest ain’t gonna stop a guy in red rage. Women are at their most dangerous level when they DO leave. I can’t say what I’d do, but I hope I would fucking run for the hills in anyway I could. Break the

You nailed it! Blame and shame!!! Hell, that’s why I used. It was a decent “primer” though. But it doesn't always work if you work it and you can end up a dry drunk. Clean and miserable.

Detach with love. Another Cliche but the most loving thing I do for myself is avoid my abusers at all costs. I get calmer every year doing it, but it gets easier.

No shit. Love, miss, resent, grieve my old battle axe hilarious mom who decided to die on Mothers Day!

Thanks for that link. Mine wasn't quite as severe, but most points were right on.

It was done to me and I ended up the addict! Coping skills are a bitch. I ran a household, dealt with my suicidal mother, got good grades all while being baked as a cake on marijuana. Then I met opiates and ahhhhhh, for awhile but hit the wall in my 30s.

I'm going to!! I'm sick of AA as well but will die if I don't stay clean.

Congratulations to everyone who has some time under their belt, and also to those who had a little and tripped. Start over tomorrow. One day at a time. While I have the same complaints as a lot of peeps on this thread. AA isn’t for everyone but their cliche’s are good.

Ten years now- and AA worked for me in the beginning because really I just needed somewhere to go everyday to be around sober people. It really helped in the beginning. Then I regained clarity and saw how utterly cliquish it could be. That was one of my major turn offs with the org. Finding the right meetings was

I don’t think it’s about laziness - but I’m going out on a limb and get skewered, but as a person with a huge contingent a black girl friends (college basketball, we all stayed friends) THEY are the first ones to talk about CP time. As a white person, I realize I can't bring it up, but that phenomenon is real. Also

Scheana’s understanding of addiction and how it works is hilarious.

The Jennifer Aniston hate is strong here. I’ve always thought of her as someone who handled crazy fame pretty well. She had to hear about her ex-husband cheating on her with Mother Theresa for 10 years. I like her- no she is not Meryl Streep, but i’d watch her over Julia Roberts (known in the industry as