So after a month of giving this game shit, I fucking caved and bought it and god damn. Its fun
So after a month of giving this game shit, I fucking caved and bought it and god damn. Its fun
It’s funny how often the “every game should be for everyone” apostles fail to see the flaw in their reasoning when they instantly make an amalgamation between a community and its toxic vocal minority.
This is rude and I guess an example of the hostile mob audience but I was literally just thinking how Renata was the single bright spot of NewNewNewTaku. Your pieces had that ineffable mix of a distinctive authorial voice, playful irreverence, and compelling, whimsical meanderings that for me are what make a Kotaku…
On the subject of a horse’s 5th leg; wouldn’t the term be Dick Gait?
What are you, my wife?
It must be night to be able to still use Schreier to do all the hard work without actually paying him.
I can’t stand this ass, but that table is pretty cool. This is stuff that other random youtubers might do and I wouldn’t shit on them for it. There is more than enough reasons not to like Logan and his brother without this being part of the equation.
Ah, the “Stanley Kubrick’s Shining” of comic-book movies.
Once again, I’d like to say that Constantine is a great little movie. It really is a shame that the purists have deemed the choices made in adapting it too extreme for them to embrace it fully.
The original Final Fantasy 7 had an MSRP of $49.99. That’s $86.57 in 2021 dollars.
Here in the states, Adult Swim’s anime lineup in the early 2000's had a lot to do with it gaining popularity here. But at that point the show would have only been about 5 or so years old.
I mean... they added the original anime like two weeks before premiere.
Worth noting they also did try to prepare for this, they tried to buy more servers above their actual value but they just couldn’t get more than they did.
They have absolutely no claim.
“his first mate who fights with a sword in his mouth (and yet is able to speak clearly at all times)”
That always bothered me about the Japanese language version. English dub Zoro puts a finger between his teeth when he’s got a sword in his mouth. Much better.
Cowboy Bebop in live action I get. It’s effectively just a futuristic Western with added martial arts flair, so it can be just as awesome with live actors as animated.
Imagine being so untethered you spend your own time and energy hacking a youtube channel... just to promote a billionaire. Bleak stuff.
There are a lot of new companies making new games, go play those, this kind of combat is what fans of the company are looking for from them
Leave it to Jeff Bezos’ MMO to shut down transfers of wealth.