
Went into Best Buy and Target on Saturday for unrelated things, sure enough the only new consoles in either store were Series S boxes. Sort of easy to dunk on the thing for this, but on the other hand this turned out to be a smart strategy for M$ given the supply chain issues.

Ah, the old “Tell them you’re going to give them exactly what they want to get them all in the same room together then gas them" strategy. Works every time!

It leaves a ton of percents for multiple poison swamps! One green, another purple, maybe even a blue one. AND... it’s loaded with DOGS. Poison dogs.

Currently set for release right between Elden Ring and... I’m gonna say Bloodborne 2, too, so I'll definitely play it.

Sure dude, that’s the only other option. They couldn't do seasons, or a battle pass, or just charge for story DLC. This is the way.

Yeah, the time factor is huge here. If it was a year, sure, that's understandable. This is going to be 4 years, and that's IF they hit 2023. It would be incredible if they manage to justify strangling Overwatch 1 content creation for that.

Oh a new engine! Where have I heard that before. Another Activision game with a 2 in it, I think. Whole new engine, no way they could just build on the first game. And now I get the privilege of buying all the first game's content all over again, actually! Destiny 2. That's the name.

Overwatch 2, a game which appears to be Overwatch being sold to you again, which will apparently work with Overwatch 1 (wut), which is why Overwatch no longer gets new maps or heroes, is going to take... how long to make? Why are they doing this? This is more pointless than Destiny 2 and that was EXTREMELY pointless.

Perfectly stated. This is a great read and I want more of it, but as a review it uh... tells me the story and then also tells me the story is the good part. Hrm.

Is this a shot at Last Hope? Ser, I will meet you in Temecula.

I am legitimately stunned that this is a thought anyone has ever had, but it does explain why ActiBlizzard has such a messed up work place to begin with. They have absolutely no idea what harassment is OR how it happens. Or why!

The idea that a flatter management structure will lead to less harassment is so blindingly stupid I don’t know how one would start explaining why it’s stupid without sounding like they’re talking to an infant.

This is what happens when someone loses two days in Kingdom Hearts explainer videos, plays Kingdom Hearts 3, and gets just the biggest hard on for Verum Rex.

I cannot fathom how this could get out the door without the ability to remap buttons. You already had to do that... to make it work at all... why not let people do it themselves?

Everything that breaks in Destiny seems to either be tied to Telesto or tied to weird framerates. How did they code it this way? WHY did they code it this way?

Yeah, selling something should never be about how much you COULD get out of someone, and this is clearly all this is. Tbh that looks cheap af too.

This is probably the only way to actually change things, to follow up and say that just acknowledging something does not solve anything. Keep reporting on their bullshit!

Log off, man.

“If I’m going to spend $100 for the next year of Destiny 2, why can’t I transmog all my armor whenever I want for free?”

It really cannot be said enough how that looks absolutely nothing like Katy Perry in any way lol