
You're right, at the time it was fine, but watched today it just sucks.

I have no idea why this is being marketed as new, but good on Capcom for working something out to keep this is the game. 

Somewhere, in a dark room illuminated only by the soft glow of its television, a faint smile emerged from a monster’s horrible face as it watched this one fall silently into the abyss.

That Outer Wilds theme gets me every time now. Elsewise I recently plowed through the FFT/FF12 raid series in FF14, and I discovered that the menu music from FFT elicits a RIDICULOUS emotional response in me, so I'll go with that.

Legendary comment

I understand that this looks anti consumer given the XBox decision to make XBone controllers compatible with the Series X, but the main difference now between the PS5 and XBSX seems to be Sony’s strategy of making it very clear that the PS5 is a new console and Microsoft’s strategy of making Game Pass available to as

Alright but would you f#%^ the banana, tho

I love these troll ass lists. “I’m gonna put Uncharted 3 on here and someone is gonna LOSE IT”

SMT Nocturne remaster?

I’m with you that the US Military sucks for most reasons, but given that there is not compulsory military service in the US and that half the country is currently annoyed whenever they even SEE an American flag... not quite there yet.

“We’re still committed to the same level of quality that our fans expect”

I truly appreciate the amount of continued love Bloodborne gets on this site. Maybe my favorite game ever, every space in the game is loaded with personality, every weapon unique and interesting, and a story so interesting and massive and completely possible to miss entirely. That DLC, too, might be my favorite DLC

I got the platinum in Sekiro in large part because, after the staggering amount of effort it takes to beat it to the first time, annihilating the game 3 more times through in less than half the time it took me to beat it on the first run was the moment of freedom. ALL SHALL FALL BEFORE MY DOUBLE ICHIMONJI AND/OR MAD

Make more Jak and Daxter, cowards!

These damn SJWs and their horse propaganda, 0/10 would not (not) play again.

This is good, we need more projects that try this and fail majestically so I can stop hearing “Yeah, well, it worked for FF14 and No Man's Sky!” every time some horrible mess of a game decides its going to take a breather for two years and try again.

At this point I don’t have a backlog, I have single player games I play in between daily stuff for Destiny and FF14. The drive to get back to those usually propels me right through, say, FF7 Remake, DMC5, or whatever the new Souls game is. The other side of that is that if I bounce off something it’s almost certainly

I don’t think he’s ever made a movie I would grade out at anything other than an A or an F! 

Somehow, right now, somewhere out there, some motherfucker is thinking about giving David Cage money to make another game.

Interesting. I guess I don't usually think of games as things that try to avoid a $100 fee, but that could be if they're just trying to get a sort of resume out there, maybe?