I won't dis Nickelback as long as Train still runs around free.
I won't dis Nickelback as long as Train still runs around free.
They're the team that Valencia deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Gotta fix your headline, Billy:
Two years later, Jeffrey Loria would begin his own Montreal Screwjob.
MLS is seen as a big step up for a lot of Carribean players - guys like Donovan Ricketts and Omar Cummings (who feature for Jamaica) have spent almost their entire careers here.
Greggggggg is just the football version of Matt Walsh.
Everyone was cheering, unlike last week's game in Louisiana: He had the ball stopped off his knee, which made his coach, Rick Susanna, cry for him.
This meme is a must for every soccer post.
Because an expansion team will be lousy for several years, which doesn't attract KC's important bandwagon demographic.
Careful. You need some oven mitts the next time you serve up one of those piping hot takes.
Jerry Jones: [reads article]
Badgers should be way higher. Badgers are awesome.
Trotting dinosaurs onto the court has worked pretty well for San Antonio...
"Wrapping is proof that American candy bars are doomed and inferior. If they want to get their act together, they need to adopt the ways of better European Candy, like Toblerone"
-Bill Haisley
"And now the starting lineup for the visiting Oklahoma City Thunder..."
Problem 1: False - A parent who came to my class to complain about his son's grade used it against me. So did a few hometown yokels who then followed it up with a beer bottle aimed at my head.
There isn't a consensus in any community, either. There are some Natives who are fine with the word, and some who aren't. But, again, outsiders using that name to describe us is beyond the pale for most (not all) of us. In that way, it is completely analogous to other slurs.
You'd better fucking be one of us.
And those are ACTUAL INDIANS calling ourselves that, not some white plutocrat on the East Coast. I don't like that name, and a lot of natives don't, but some use it among our own community...
OUR OWN COMMUNITY - not from others whitesplaining whether or not we should feel outraged by it. It's our issue, an name we talk…