Leave Tim Russert out of this!
Leave Tim Russert out of this!
I'd rather have the Culturally Insensitive Goal Roundup back
If Todd Haley's wife/girlfriend/Saturday Night thing is named Jessica, he might sell some of these in KC.
Thank God they didn't have to suffer through this hailstorm.
I didn't put as much work or seriousness into my preview, but it does mean I had it all done in one installment.
So Qatar is already killing players a full eight years before their Cup even starts?
SQWINCHER! The official sports drink of the USFL!
I agree - it's important to begin the wild speculation and trial by uniformed media immediately.
Not the same since Oglethorpe, Hanrahan and McCracken retired.
After spending decades watching the Central League and then the last few years watching AHL (in Oklahoma City), I never would have guessed that the latter had more fights than the former, or that it was even close.
As long as you bring back the Culturally Insensitive Goal Roundup, we're good.
Some guys just haven't learned how to handle not getting laid. Admittedly, it took me a while.
That just makes sense, though - Sterling has lots of experience with Dank Slums.
That is an asstonne of effort, spite and attention you just paid to someone and something that you purportedly "don't know about" and "don't care about."
And how much shit do you catch over being a football fan? or a basketball fan? or a hockey fan (outside of the South)?
Absolutely NONE. And that is the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT.
Sometime in the 1980's, the knuckledragging half-drunk baseball writers of America decided to shit all over soccer, and it became the only sport…
So of course commenting on a sports site makes perfect fucking sense!
A golf fan has no grounds to lecture anyone over what should be considered exciting.
I didn't clarify - I meant to say if they play, it must be as keeper. The North Koreans' issue was entering one of their forwards into one of the three keeper slots on the form - effectively making him ineligible to play.
We're not playing against Guatemala or the Bahamas, so he's not much use.