St. Dorothy Mantooth

With your point of view and pragmatism, I’d be inclined to support your candidacy, swearing-be-damned.

Exactly. She’s been running this marathon for nearly a year. She’s the target of high-energy confrontations each day. She’s being asked to discuss issues that are twenty years old. Some kid comes at her with another confrontational stance, and guess what? She doesn’t want anymore of it. I applaud her for being as

Slo-mo slobber coming off a ball at 127 mph.

Rasmus has to draw his hat down low to hide the big W carved on his forehead.

Are we certain she’s not just a new character for an upcoming episode of Girls?

Clearly you’ve never seen a Golden Tee league.

In the world of NASCAR advertising, this is the very first no-sell.

I'm assuming this clip happens 15 seconds in from the opening bell, no?

You’re probably right. Barnwell was a May hire, so we’ll probably hear about him first if he jumps. Lowe was an October. He might not have wanted to skip an entire season of hoops while Simmons got his new shop off the ground, so if he re-upped, that’d be a contributing factor.

Editorial staff was let go, writers were reassigned within ESPN, so it’s unlikely they had to re-up.

The organ remains a frontier that even his greatness cannot tread upon. Now this guy, on the other hand...

Straight up.

Anyone who would label anything as the “Target of” as a negative clearly hasn’t had to deal with having only a WalMart in their town.

This is a dunk is a cultural appropriation think piece waiting to happen.

Does Amazon allow people to show up at the warehouse and bang on the metal doors?

It’s because in Dallas, only the Cowboys are allowed to have baggage.

They’re saying they’re going to tour this year - there’s still time!

Yours reads like an Apple Music playlist that I listen to at least once a week.

Considering that Antony is about to release the album of the year with Hudson Mohawke, I’d say he’s doing pretty ok.

Man, their inferiority complex about Dunkin’s popularity is epic