They are absolute maintenance nighmares. About 5-8 years ago, the USAF had to retire half of the fleet to help pay for the remaining half. So they retired the highest hour airframes and now canibalize those for parts to keep the remaining airworthy.
They are absolute maintenance nighmares. About 5-8 years ago, the USAF had to retire half of the fleet to help pay for the remaining half. So they retired the highest hour airframes and now canibalize those for parts to keep the remaining airworthy.
Yeah, you should have seen the poor kid sitting in that court room while everyone else was trying, and rarely suceeding, to keep a straight face.....
The other thing to add to your post: These guys fall under the USAF’s training command. I’ve never seen a more up tight PITA system than that one. Everyone is watched like hawk until they’re out of the training pipeline. They are always looking for reasons to bust people.
I don’t know, one time our deployed chow hall delivery was a week late. We had to pretty much eat hamburgers and fries for like a week straight. Missed my steak and lobster Friday dam it!
I’ve witnessed members who have been successfully prosecuted Art 108 “destruction of government property” due to sunburns bad enough that they were hospitalized. In the 90’s a lot of piercings and tattoos art 108 occurred and still do.
The 747 cruise missile platform never really took off as you could do the same thing with the B-52. Look at a B-52 carrying a full load of ALCMS in the bay as well as out on the pylons.
Great article Tyler, Love seeing the ideas that never quite made it.
Tyler, when I was a kid one of my neighbors (ret) in Florida was one of the designers on the original F-4 project. He gave me a really fun fact: Every cant and angle of the main wing and empennage assembly was in order to fix a flaw in the handling characteristics.
Uh, that blackhead remover isn’t quite right......
Uh, that blackhead remover isn’t quite right......
You do not understand that with the possible exception of the 1991 gulf war, the US military is almost always fighting with 1 or both hands tied behind its back. You’ve never seen what it could do once totally unleashed.
If it was an order to suppress an armed rebellion over an administration that has “repealed or curtailed the second Amendment” then yes, the military would not follow the orders of the president. It is in fact by oath and founding principles laid out by the original goverment, dedicated to returning the government…
The constitution and framing of the government itself, to include the original 10 amendments are considered sacrosanct.
You seem to think that the US military would side with the government on this one. I’m here to tell you it wouldn’t. First and foremost each service has in its founding principles the orders to protect and defend the constitutions from all enemies, foreign and domestic. At the academies and periodically throughout my…
Or until their ears bleed!
“Tactical Electronic Warfare” Ec-130H Comapss Call as well. Kind of like a giant umbrella for EW.
Tyler, that TACAMO patch is a favorite of mine. You’ll notice that the tail of the aircraft and antennas are from theEC-130H COMPASS CALL birds.
Tyler, I spend some of my carrer in the wold of Air Operation Centers (AOC). If you want to find out what this is you’ll need to start with doing some background on commensurate targeting systems.
In the eaarly to mid 70s they were stationed at Cecil field... I was born there at Jax Naval Hospital...
Love these guys. On family days we would get to take the C-2s out to the carriers and back out of JAX. Plus, it might of been a C-2 but how many kids get to say the had not just one but multiple cat shots!