Please stop hawking this piece of crap endoscope.
Please stop hawking this piece of crap endoscope.
Please stop hawking this piece of crap endoscope.
Please stop hawking this piece of crap endoscope.
You guys should seriously consider using Fakespot on most of the products you’re recommending here. Day after day I’ve discovered an ever-increasing number of items that show as scam third-party sellers as well as items with numerous fake and paid for positive reviews.
You guys should seriously consider using Fakespot on most of the products you’re recommending here. Day after day…
I attempted to pick these up last night and got the same expiration notice. Same for today.
I attempted to pick these up last night and got the same expiration notice. Same for today.
A quick note, the code isnt working for the Etekcity 10 pack power EXTENSION cords is showing as expired.
A quick note, the code isnt working for the Etekcity 10 pack power EXTENSION cords is showing as expired.
There are numerous oil and gas wells in and around LA.
Last I worked with them that was the issue (early 2006ish). There was a ongoing block package to digitize the cockpit which should be complete by now, but the dash didn’t have enough real estate or space behind it to bring in everything they needed for full integration with the current battle-space information…
It’s not just 20lbs, its the physical space requirements, as well as integrating it into the systems.
The B-52 has lots of room for retrofitting. You have to remember that the old analog computers, both mechanical and vacuum tube, took up a lot of space.
The A-10's Airframe has not been able to keep up with the needs of the modern battlefield. Namely the ability to integrate with data communications and real time re-tasking. That and the USAF has found that modern aircraft in the fleet are able to forward load logistical and MX requirements before the AC has yet to…
You’re very right. Gen Horner directed that the Desert Storm I air war proceed in mid to high level strikes. Only the brits and a few other aircraft were permitted to do low level. Low level strikes did have the highest levels of attrition due to AAA.
Tyler, I have to carry them several times while deployed. They are not for my giant ape hands.
I carried a Sig P220 in my survival vest instead of the M-9 for most of my career. An now I won’t part with my P220SST for regular carry.
Tyler, now you’re in my world. Welcome to the fascinating realm of ELINT!
As part of the Ec-130H CC crew, we had the honor to work with these guys several times during my time there in the 90’s. over-watched providing EA coverage to their strikes many times. Them and the Triple Nickle (555th) with the 16Cs. Great bunch of professionals to work with.
I now work at Wright-Pat and some of the aircraft program managers work just down the hall. They’ve been lamenting for some time now that many of the bomber crews are now experiencing high turnovers with people leaving the service. Biggest reason the aircrews are saying is just what you said. High loiter time. These…
I’ve roamed the boneyard extensively.
When I was stationed at DM in the 90’s (young airman) I got tagged with Security Forces. I got to tool around in the boneyard quite a bit. It wasn’t uncommon for illegal immagrants to get through the fences and set up camp under a wing or open up one of the larger birds to camp.