Ram has jumped the Shark in the styling department. The 94 Ram set the standard for them and the new one just shredded it like year old newspaper. Its lost the signature design aspect that weve come to expect.
Ram has jumped the Shark in the styling department. The 94 Ram set the standard for them and the new one just shredded it like year old newspaper. Its lost the signature design aspect that weve come to expect.
I get that more from douche cars and SUVs...
American Ugly, still better than British Hot. Drive Chevrolet.
So this guy got the winning bid in a court auction. If you had an issue with the buyer, put together your own group of investors and place a winning bid. Otherwise, your article is simply a case of butthurt.
Now it’s gonna be REALLY hilarious when he buys Gizmodo Media Group next.
I really, really wish the hipster millenial writers for this site would take a lesson on titling an article. Please stop with the “this will...” or “you will...” titles. Quit being so matter of fact on every goddamn article! Pick up a magazine (yeah, we used to read automotive articles in those), and have a look at…
You could always check camelcamelcamel.com to see what the lowest prices have been.
You could always check camelcamelcamel.com to see what the lowest prices have been.
Since 90% of the deals are from Amazon, you’re better off checking out camelcamelcamel.com, which gives you a price history of a product on Amazon.
Since 90% of the deals are from Amazon, you’re better off checking out camelcamelcamel.com, which gives you a price…
Get over yourself.
You guessed wrong.
His wife certainly hasn’t been fucking him. I wouldn’t either - he’s a piece of shit.
Sorry I was distracted by the Corvette out front.
The hyperbolic character of his assessment leads me to wonder how long he’s been familiar with mechanical engineering
I am going to go out on a limb and say it is easier when you have mechanical engineers building a car vs the dropouts from Apple that think every piece of the car should be integrated and not removable except at a Tesla Service center.
Can’t wait to see how the fanboys justify this.
He’s the richest man in history. Commrade Nolan, therefore, hates his fucking guts. Nothing complex about this.
Remarkably stupid blog post, you’re welcome.
Granted...just seems that Amazon/Bezos is a convenient and frequent whipping boy around these parts. 15x the posts for about a quarter of the proposed incentives (based on my city’s proposal). Rather ironic considering GMG takes the king’s shilling while doing so.
This feels like invented outrage.
I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.