
First of all how dare you.

Live, Die, Pete and Repeat were sitting in a boat; Pete fell out; who was left?

We need a robust network of federally-supported and accredited trade schools in the US, like they have in Germany and other successful European economies.

I think the modern “guild” approach makes far more sense than the modern union approach. A self selecting membership organization that has its own standard of quality. For these organizations to survive they must be a mark of quality, otherwise they’ll just spur more outsourcing and automation.

Figuring Patrick Stewart hasn’t aged since 1984, why not use him?

But who plays the pug?

Half the universe is in the cast?

The preferred term is “wangus”.

that’s a dick

Feige recalled a meeting at Marvel where Larson spotted some back issues of Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel, showing some of the more scantily clad outfits Carol Danvers used to adorn...

How would we know better than the internal finance people about if this is the correct route to be able to do even better next year?

Shareholders - which can be anyone, as this is a public company - do vote on the direction of the company every year, and can get people kicked out of roles if they disagree. 

I trust the corp finance people to know better than any of us how to best continue their operations.

Anyone can be a shareholder. It’s not like a private club. Surely some of the employees are too. And by the way, I don’t support massive layoffs, I don’t even know why these are necessary. But I *is* a business. Not really crazy to think they want to trim costs.

I am Active Duty. As I tell everyone else who wants to join “Your experience may vary”


Sooo... it kind of sounds like the game is about taking over/overthrowing the government rather than trying to keep a socialist government running. I get why (who wants to play a game where there is zero possibility to win?) but it seems like that would be more in keeping with what you were advocating rather than a

*Sees title*

I always thought it would be funny if a minor league baseball team advertised a “free bat night” promotion & if instead of giving the first hundred ticket-buyers free baseball bats, they gave them a bag with a live bat flapping around in it.