Honestly probably the worst season so far, and even aside from the animation, this finale has me ready to walk away from the show for good.
Honestly probably the worst season so far, and even aside from the animation, this finale has me ready to walk away from the show for good.
While the results are less than ideal, they had five weeks on a TV budget so I say bravo. They had to likely crunch to make anything happen. Also with so many narrative heavy series just ending their seasons with random episodes (basically the entire Arrowverse) I prefer this as at least Blacklist fans get some form…
They also had to deal with the death of Brian Dennehy (featured somewhat more prominently in the episode than I had expected) and this probably also helped with that.
Money doesn’t magically make the treatments work any better dude.
Keepin’ it so reeeaaalll!!
Oh FFS man...
“When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live.”
I really really really hope he pulls through. But everytime I see his name trending I just kinda assume the worst. I keep waiting for the shoe to drop. One day you look like your pulling through and the next... I’m going by experience. When it comes, its fast. To paraphrase Jimmie Rogers, he’s like a lion but I just…
Oh I just thought I was here for some geekdown - not some fucking political rag.
I’m guessing it isn’t the means of production.
Pretty sure you can lay it on its side. Would that still not be ideal for the setup?
I still dont see how this game is making them any money....
Somehow they will miss
Teeeeeechnically they're using BB-9E to crush Jedi.
[pushes glasses up nose]
Came for this. We are old.
I want a new Timesplitters game so much.
Fucking Oddjob.
And it seems so obvious! The originals sold pretty well. I would put a new Fable game near the top of my list if they announce one.
Pub Games was better... ... ...I miss Pub Games