
Tycho is great. I love Past is Prologue, it’s one of my favorite albums.

How was season 7, aside from this? This is one my wife and I catch on Netflix.

Is anything being done with this IP?

Something something placenta

Bastion also didn’t seem to fit well into the lore of the quest either.

I don’t think the problem with Destiny is the amount of Eververse based loot, it’s that the amount of new loot is so small so it amplifies the fact that there’s stuff in Eververse you can’t earn easily by playing the game.

As a prude holed up in his office I say yep.

The “sex” connection was 100% intentional.

I had the same thing happen at the end of a Crucible match in that new solo playlist. I got four or five notifications that I accomplished something (Bounties, Triumphs, etc.)


My Day 1 Xbox One’s fan has really been working overtime every time I boot up Shadowkeep. It never does this for anything else.

I suddenly feel the urge to buy furniture, electronics, appliances or mattresses.

My D1 Warlock was my favorite character to play. I haven’t had the heart to migrate him forward to D2 because I don’t think he would be caught dead in any of D2's Warlock clothes (dresses). He may sit out until 3, if not FOREVER.

“Bus transfer”

Holy crap. The 80s messed a lot of parents up.

Born in 75. I don’t remember things being hyper-commercialized, at least not anymore than things are today. Honestly, today is probably worse.

This is one of the things Destiny has going for it, it’s been easy for me to join and be joined by friends. There’s always something to do in the game that doesn’t require that everyone be equal Light/Power.

Stay away with your geography!

This is what happens when you train at altitude.

Bricks are clearly Morse Code.