
Donald Jr. is a good-looking guy.

Only 4 kids, it seems. The CBC coverage says that Strout had his child support reduced to 14 bucks a month total, after claiming he was broke and unable to work...but then a few years later he sold his internet company for 2 mil and took up living in Calgary. The bar/restaurant The Bears Den (which was featured in

I never thought I’d say this about Cardi B, but RELATABLE.

Since she is the queen of making up entire stories about people who don’t even know who she is, I’m betting he didn’t need to do anything to get her going.

Sadly, I can’t even help you. I’ve been listening to Lemonade still because nothing is catching me or getting me excited about music lately.

No, we won’t have them. Maybe the island from Lord of the Flies.


I was a political science major, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about what a Jones upset would mean. It’s pretty significant, and requires a fair amount of nuanced thinking. So I apologize in advance if this gets kind of dense and long, but here’s the analysis of someone who studies and thinks about this

A lot of us have been heartbroken by seeing our favorites knocked off that pedestal.

We’ve all got skeletons in our closets, maybe not in the sense of having literal dead bodies in our pasts, but we’ll always have regrets about things we’ve done. People that want to do better will do better, and those same people will usually admit to the wrongs they’ve done. I’m no diplomat, but I still feel like a

I’m from Minnesota although I don’t currently live there, and I feel you. I was so proud of my homestate.

Keep fighting the good fight! This current nightmare will have an end and with any luck you will be able to find perspective and meaning in your work again.

Thank you and yes, we will.

Heroes are always human. People seem to forget that and put too much trust in them.

Well I think your work is important as fuck, especially now when America is running on the fumes of fumes at this point. So we need every one,and I mean every one together,we will totally get through this.

For what it’s worth, there are plenty of us regular old citizens who recognize the value of diplomacy and the work that you do every day, so thank you for what you do.

Franken: scripts a kiss, rehearses the kiss, scene partner objects to extent of kiss

Dude, the Ghastly Grinner was scary enough!

I am also a believer in screaming at the top of your lungs as therapy. Even better in an (empty) car! I remember seeing this once on TV, yaks often climb to the top of a mountain & scream, so when I’m really having a day, I yak. My oldest son caught me once, so now we both yak. Highly recommend!

I hope Plummer wins a fucking Oscar for this.