
One son looks like a serial killer, the other a potato. They both enjoy hunting large game (elephants, lions), seem to be quite naive and dumb and their father has openly stated that he did not often engage with them willingly until they became adults (imagine those therapy sessions). That same father has often spoken

So I say this entirely without pretension, I have no idea who this woman is or what song(s?) she sings. Where I live we have limited access to internet, no television and no radio, but I’ll be returning to the United States in 7 or 8 months and am wondering what I’ve missed and need need need to listen to on arrival

One tiny thing: I fucking hate that side stance, boobs out, hand on hip thing so many celebrities and my friends/family in their 20s do. Why?? And why do it with family?

For a little while I thought “he should apologize and make amends through deeds, but continue serving, he’s done good, he can do good again”; now I feel the best thing he can do, both for the country and his party, is to step down. Want to shout out at hypocrisy and shame Donald Trump? take accountance for your own

A good idea, but these past three months have been especially difficult due to work stress and at such times I like to have a role model (often a combination of fictional and real people - Leslie Knope & Al Franken being the most recent) to help me pull through. Maybe hero was just too strong a word?

I’m honored to serve my country and thank you for your comment

Thank you and yes, we will.

Thank you, it’s not an easy job (especially during the holidays it’s hard to be away from home) so I appreciate your comment :-)

That’s true, I think it’s more my circumstances that inspired me to consider him a hero. I am currently serving overseas in a diplomatic position for the United States government. Our president does not seem to consider my service valuable, Senator Franken seemed to find it worthy, so I made him a hero. I wanted to be

I just finished Franken’s newest book and was filled with pride as he is my senator, today I am now so sad and disappointed in him. His apology was at least an actual apology, unlike so many others have been (poor me being accused, God must hate me).

I loved that show! The tuber ware twins and the magic ATM being two of my favorite episodes!

I am solidly an adult now and that image still terrifies me.

AYFOTD, the Goosebumps series (both books and tv shows) and seeing the movie IT at far too young an age made me and my brother into very paranoid children. I wish kids these days had something like it. I still remember The Tale of the Shiny Red Bicycle.

I love the image of Matt Lauer being told by a (very nervous) intern that he has to appear on this show and actually make delightful conversation with Megyn Kelly. I imagine his dressing room looked like Brian William’s dressing room on 30 Rock pre-Kenneth cleaning after.

From an article (that later went on to win a Pulitzer) about Dorothy Stratten’s death, the sexism seems very evident in how the men vs women are portrayed:

I feel like “muddling” is fairly well know not though

So does it seem like she’s playing audience representative (“what’s muddling?” asks Nebraskan housewife) or is she really that dumb?

Hello everybody! So I live in a place without seasons (unless you count hot & dry and hotter and wet) and I miss fall desperately. My fb feed is filling up with Halloween prep and visits to apple orchards. So to enjoy fall vicariously through you all, what are you all doing & are you dressing up for Halloween? I need

I love these recaps. Seriously I’m not in the position to actually watch the show or the clips, so I need your words in my life.

What’s wrong with our culture that this is seen as acceptable. Television, magazines and television shows followed her breakdown closely. Late night made jokes about it. WTF why was that allowed? Mental illness is painful and we all decided it was soap opera and our right to watch happen. I’m honestly ashamed, I