
Well that serves you right... Hawkwind should have killed your buzz for Hawkwind.

I don’t have any credibility to lend. :)

Milo’s stance on the bathroom issue is not without his reasons, it’s not nonsense, and it’s not outside of realms of acceptability by many. It’s a reasonable argument, regardless of how wrong many think it is, including myself. I think Milo and his ilk are truly dangerous, but they’re not going to be defeated by an

Yeah, there’s probably a grain of truth in there, but also a grain of salt to be had. It’s easy to attack somebody who can’t defend themselves. Who knows what the beef between father a daughter really was?

The judge said “proclivities” not “activity”. There was a recent study of the sexual habits of the first generation to grow up with unlimited access to porn, and yes, it has changed what the kids are into these days. And not for the better.

LOL, I can help. I drive a Mustang. If you don’t drive like an ass, you’ll be fine.

I don’t buy the liberal argument that letting refugees in doesn’t increase our chances of a domestic terror attack. I also don’t buy the conservative argument that we need to sacrifice our values as a nation in order to keep ourselves safe. There is a good chance terrorism will come seeded within those refugees who

Indeed, “racism” is the original sin in the church of the progressive.

What are the actual chances of this passing? Is it a few hardcore isolationists in congress behind it, or does it have wide-spread support?

Uncle... that is a bitchin’ Corolla.

He was trying to get you to watch his stupid video.

Don’t be talking smack about my Corolla.

I never said I don’t make a mess. :)

I never said I don’t make a mess. :)

IMHO drinking coffee in the morning for aesthetic purposes and for a boost are not mutually exclusive. I’m not a morning person, but yeah I grind my beans every morning. YOLO man!

IMHO drinking coffee in the morning for aesthetic purposes and for a boost are not mutually exclusive. I’m not a

Yes, he knows enough not to share the Scotch.

Yes, he knows enough not to share the Scotch.

Ah, excellent point!

120 was my max, in a 1972 Plymouth Fury III that the windows wouldn’t roll up in and it had a leaky gas tank.

In Arizona, electric vehicles can use the HOV lane. It’s gonna SUCK to be behind a Tesla in the HOV!

He did, he put his own “children at play” markers in the road.

LOLOL, I just love that the guy who used “mythopoetic”, “Kremlinology”, and “fealty” in his review then turned to “bummed out” to characterize sadness. What, did he run out of quarters for his twenty-five-cent-word machine? Here’s some freebies: “despirited”, “mornful”, or “downhearted”.