
Oh I’ll drop it off... but I may take a shit in it before I do.

Wait! The guy in the 17th photo isn’t white! Yellow journalism!

Can those new fridges that Tweet and Netflix and all that crap tell you if there’s been a power outage? Seems like that would be a useful feature.

And the horn should scream “I’M RICH BEOTCH!” as it plows through the orphans!

HOLY CRAP IT ATE THAT CUBE! It's not coming in my house.

HOLY CRAP IT ATE THAT CUBE! It's not coming in my house.

Yeah but nothing is as satisfying as seeing that beotch you just smoked in your rear view mirror. Sometimes it's about soul.

Is she on every blog, filling headlines... is everyone talking about her today? She killed it, in the way she wanted to kill it.

You cry because you can't get that two minutes of your life back.

You’re probably right. I’ve visited white power sites in the past, they’re usually written poorly and organized poorly. I was truly a bit shocked when I went down the alt-right rabbit hole. These people aren’t the tattoo’d up skinheads and backwoods types. I think the media is doing a disservice to the national

You need to go out and read the content being created by the alt-right. They're not the meme-making disorganized disenfranchised red-necks the media is making them out to be. They're not stupid, the have well crafted arguments, and believe science proves their racial superiority. And they're organizing. These people

That is some driving on the parkway and parking on the driveway level shit you said there. I'm in!

I'm not saying it wasn't a dick move, because it was. If a manager observes undesirable behavior in one of their team members, they often create a policy that corrects that behavior and applies to the entire team. The new dress code didn't apply just to her. Also, the Internet has a long memory. When she ends up back

How is it not the right of the employer to change rules in the workplace?

You forgot "make sure your butthole is clean and freshly lubricated to allow easy access".

That's brutal berating to you? What, you grow up in a marshmallow factory raised by unicorns or something?

Did you make the contractor aware of the extent of your dissatisfaction with his work, and did you give him a chance to remedy the situation before you left that review?

Working on the solo from Sweet Home Chicago... yeah he WAS good! And on an ACCOUSTIC guitar, too!

I knew a German fighter pilot, I asked him what it was like to fly against the allies. He said that the French were easy, if you got into trouble you just ran, they didn’t have the fuel to give chase. He said the English were predictable, did everything by the book. But he said when you were up against an American,

Well, she probably got revenge on her parents when they had to change that diaper after she spent 686 feet SHITTING HER PANTS in it.

Ha! When you stick your face in Cheetos you look like a DOUCHE. Good job GB!