Mojo Hanna

Of course there is..
Remember, everyone from Cheato down to the local watering hole wants to blame everyone darker than Skim Milk or pee’s sitting down for all their woes (ignoring the financial/social raping the wealthy white men are doing which hurts them) and have been doing it for decades..

All it takes is the

That’s the more succinct version of that lawyer’s (trash ass) argument. I hope there aren’t too many of those types in the jury pool

Time to start going through this poor excuse for a human’s social media history; ten to one odds that he mainlines the usual suspects.

“Your Honor, you see, my client is an old, doddering fool who only watches Fux Newz. So him shooting a black kid is just par for the course. Please let him go free to do it again.”

You just know she wanted to touch it lol

I get mail from black friends.

Sir, yep. That easy access could be stopped. It wouldn’t take much if some folk like Rev. Al and others got up monies in order to help black folk to go get gun permits and/or weaponry in some of these states, particularly Texas, since you can use it as your ID to vote.

Letting a kid have five whole years as an only kid is a gamble. My cousin waited five years before having her second, and it took YEARS for the older one to let go of the sibling rivalry. There’s something to be said for having siblings close together so they never know life without the other one(s).

He is starting to crack! He is even unpopular with vile, souless, Maga racists.

Let’s just hope she’s still in her position in eight weeks.

Since 2022, Ben Crump Law, PLLC has been picking up cases like Pokemon cards, representing up to 35 families. Take a look who he’s fighting for.” This is absolutely not a good thing. He’s not a civil rights attorney in the sense that Thurgood Marshall was a civil rights attorney or the ACLU or NAACP handle civil

“Apartheid Clyde”

Assuming the latter, and that’s a long ass stretch, that seems to be a that child problem and not one that should be a pull it down and fuck shit up for decent people issue.

Again proving that American Education has failed White American too if not worse....because this is ignorant thinking. Are there any intellectual White Americans left in America?

*files claws*

racial inclusivity and pride represent “personal ideologies,”

I see our grey comments (of which, some should be brought into regular non-grey status by staff approval) and see the racist ones and wonder why they don’t just go over to Breathbarf and comment there.

I was thinking more of a state brawliday...

Again, Black creativity helped us survive 400 years of white oppression and violence and rape, not only here but throughout the Black diaspora. Its been a tool for survival and resistance.

The irony of Musk having to reach out to successful Black businesspeople to help him is not lost on me. I feel like his ego would never let him do it.