Mojo Hanna

They would probably pick Desantis. Because he has the level of nastiness and mean-spirited level of shittiness that they seem to love these days.

Nah. If he loses he is done. He won’t be able to pardon himself or call off the federal investigations. He will go to court and be found guilty and handed a prison sentence. He’s also got so many pending lawsuits that he will be drained dry. He is also completely out of it mentally now. A lot of people go on and on

further annoying thing is that if he loses to Biden in 2024, I fully expect him to try again in 2028. 

TBH, the party has been this insane for a long time, just that it took Trump to bring the crazy out in the open in a much more public way.

How fucking pathetic on so many levels. Its outright pathetic that somehow that fat fuck is yet again running for president. Its pathetic that millions of Americans still support and will vote for him. Its pathetic how batshit insane the Republican party has become- and I say that as someone who is not exactly

I’m running around looking for my phone. 9-1-1 is being called, I see this girl recording me, so I grabbed it. But then I gave it back 5 minutes later.”


Naw its worse then that. They think he might be gay. That’s pretty much all of it.

It’s a “thing” because he chose to be a Republican and they’re the party of “family values” and concerned with who’s sticking what into where. Therefore, he made it a “thing” when he decided on GOP.

Here’s why. The GOP has spent decades blaming all the problems of Black people on “single mothers” and promoting “marriage” as a solution to a whole host of economic and social problems, especially in the Black community. The Bush administration had a whole initiative to promote marriage as some kind of panacea, never

Rep. Scott could realize at some time that his career with the Republicans as they stand, has hit a ceiling. The GOP grift train is pretty exclusive.

I still think that had it been a group of Black folks engaged in a similar type insurrection, they’d all get the death penalty.

Lol @ the greys “ He wasn’t even there that day!”

Quite frankly, it what he deserves.”-- Nobody involved in this has gotten close to what they deserve. They all deserve far far more.

I still think that had it been a group of Black folks engaged in a similar type insurrection, they’d all get the death penalty.

You think the “Told you so” aspect of a man of color being the one getting the longest sentence after taking sides with white supremacists has hit him yet, or will that happen the second month in prison?

He’s so good, glad he continues to thrive and succeed.

Those Nazis in congress are egging on these street Nazis to commit violence.

Well, they work together, so I don’t think we ought to ignore either.

Uh oh! We got the bitter Russian-German guy in the grays making excuses for the shooter who was killing folks in Jacksonville right after calling them the n-word!