Mojo Hanna

The way she acted, she could have suffered a much worse fate. These “karens” are always running up on nonwhite citizens with their foul, racist BS as if they have the right is insane. Every time they get busted acting an ass- they lie, cry and deny as if any of that erases their trespasses and transgressions. Just

Those who can’t dance say the music is no good.”

For all the “when the boomers dies, racism will be over” people, pay attention. The younguns are being trained up in the way their klanner fams go. Just like the generations before, aging like milk in the sun, they will carry the envy, hate & jealousy forth with violence and excuses. And for what?

The samhain comments suggest a deep-seated set of psychological disorders that have never been addressed. This is one of those disgruntled sub-mediocre bitches that will snap, kill their whole family and half the neighborhood because they don’t know what to do with their virulent hatred, envy and jealousy.

Henry bragged about his role in things. Henry got his wakeup call. Henry FA & FO. Dassit.

John David Washington has to save the day because y’all wanted a robot to write your term paper.

Re: “All Rise” - The focus on relationship drama does get tiresome (eyeroll @ Mark & Amy + secret husband, Luke & Emily+ whomever) but that cliffhanger has me wondering how the drama with Robin, Lola & Andre will play out!

Didn’t the old decrepit defenseless creaker step all the way out of his house, where he could have remained behind a locked door with his boom-boom stick, to shoot the kid in the back of his head? Hope the jury will look at his crime and not his physical situation.

He didn’t just get up one morning and decide to be a racist fool. His homies didn’t just figure out that he is a bigoted snake. Of course, he’s ‘at home’, comfy and all high five-y with his posse. Comfortable talking shit about Black people. He played himself, got outed and now the clown has to be shamed in the public

There is a definite pattern attached to these social misfits who are angry that in a world designed for them, they are massive, impotent failures. Misfits in their own communities but they take their weapons into sacred or common spaces to annihilate Black citizens. The piece in the pattern that isn’t being widely

May they sue his feckless carcass straight into the apocalypse.

The “Blacks should be eliminated” rhetoric and the threats of civil war are gaining traction in mainstream comment sections and simultaneously, it feels as if we are being desensitized to mass killing incidents. Black people should indeed turn out in droves to buy weapons which would bring instant, sweeping, game

I’ll note that having already brought racketeering cases would have given Willis and her team time to hone their skills at actually trying such a case.”

Astute connection - Larry H. Parker & Ben Crump! There are so many brilliant Black civil rights lawyers that actually work for effective change, Ben Crump could take a pass on much of the work AND still stay in the spotlight, still have enough contingency cases to feed his coffers. His strategy is much like being at

Any of yall remember elders saying “That’s how lies get started” when you ran up in their face not knowing what you were talking about? Well, that’s Samhain, the racist chaos agent with plenty of time to stalk The Root, a site he doesn’t like. I know, I know. It makes no sense.

Apartheid Clyde, an inept business ‘person’, FA & now he’s FO. Some hoowites will run thru here with their hair blowed back, talking smack about Black billionaires & how Musty owes them nothing or some such nonsense. Literally no one said he owed us anything. (And if he did, he wouldn’t pay) His raggedy mess is falling

Great list!!

These are the same twisted mofos that will invoke Dr. King, bastardizing the one speech they know a soundbite from, talking about what “he would have wanted”. Or how he’s turning in his grave because Black people are not kissing enough white ass or eagerly licking caucastic boots. In their small minds, little

Pattern and practice.

That baby is precious- so glad for them!