Mojo Hanna

audrey w palmer - bitch, please!

If you want a toxic dose of white sickness, just peruse the comments of the racist, uncreative, ignorant sub-mediocre gray goobers. In 400 years, their playbook has not changed. The dumb shit they say is still dumb af, still laced with the soul crushing hatred that has them looking like curdled milk and canned hams.

The Reconstruction era was the epitome of that energy! There has been and continues to be severe whitelash against any gains made by Black citizens. From public policy to burning Black areas to personal attacks and land theft, Black folk, like Miss Sophia, have always had to fight for survival.

It’s a “twofer”. They get to body shame Christie and police a Black woman’s body at the same time. The GOP understands that a failsafe way to connect with their goobers is blatant anti Blackness and if it’s anti Black women - bonus!

Indeed I have, mods love me. You may disagree with how I see him but don’t disparage my integrity by implying that I am lying. Not cool.

Nailed it!

Every day, someone is maimed or killed because people simply cannot mind their business or allow others to have their joy. There is no acceptable excuse for this senseless loss of life. I don’t ever again want to hear someone say “This is not who we are in America” because this is exactly who we are in the US of A!

LOL! They are so predictable, nasty & unnecessary. The ones with the ignorant asshole comments didn’t know shit about Charles Ogletree, just up in here being chaos agents, seeking the attention they so desperately crave. Ol duck dynasty mofos!

“Tree” was a noble and dignified scholar, master teacher and forward thinker. His powerful legacy will live on, treasured, especially by people of consciousness with a desire for an equitable society. He well earned his place among the ancestors. Rest in Power, Brother Ogletree.

The DeVos klan also owns the Amway global multi-level marketing cult like corporation. Their views have always been conservative and supportive of white nationalists like the FL governor/wannbe head demon. That the Magic franchise has made its fortune on the backs of Black players makes their donation even more

With ol dumb Tuberville as her VP.

Disgusting and unnecessary but to be expected from misogynoirists. 

I’m not seeing any other connection to draw” 

How completely craven do you have to be to attempt to destroy opportunities for people who have far less opportunities than white people in finance, education, corporate employment and governance? Opportunities that do not affect white people’s lives. The level playing field, the idea of actual merit is really scary

Thanks for this article!

Just as I thought, gray mofos who understand nothing of substance and come here to vilify Blackness are up in here talking stupid shit as usual. It is well documented that lenders discriminate against qualified Black applicants no matter how many klanners deny it.

If nothing else, you can count on them for blatant misogynoir. I sincerely hope BG takes the time she needs and heals well.


Over a missing mudflap, after being at an inspection station. He was right to be in fear for his life, particularly in that area. Even if the stop was necessary, the dog was not. So, the man’s fears panned out. These yahoos can’t get past the past, thinking they are patty rollers, hunting and killing Black people at

merchantfan - That “you is wise” was turned cringeworthy by the wrong people. The nasty thing about the pie ticked me off because no “the help” would have gotten away with that! I wanted to like Gran Torino despite bigoted Eastwood and the talented Hmong actors but as usual, the arrogance superseded cultural