Mojo Hanna

Yeah any time pastor is living a WAY better life than than the entire congregation some shady shit going down. And it ain’t even just the black church either. I always think it’s shady when the pastor, preacher whatever is way richer than any of the church members. You shouldn’t be stacking paper like that preaching.

Bout damn time. Now for all the rest of them.

Knowing Santa Clara, they tried to blame the victim that it was THEIR fault for being shot.. I suspect its only public outcry that’s making them charge the shooter.

And if he’s a serial cheater, it’s POSSIBLE he lied to her about the state of his marriage. A lot of cheaters (of all sexes) can spin a very complicated web to convince another party that their relationship is over but they’re living together as friends for the sake of the children, or for the sake of their parents,

I’ve just been getting calls about Medicare Plan B and final expense planning and the healthcare deadline. 5-6 times every day.

That’s fucking creepy as hell. Tracking you down on your personal phone to bitch about your work.

I suspect that some (misguided) people that feel he deserves more scorn because he was married, while she was already in the process of divorce.

Of course she’s getting sympathy.  She’s a white woman.  He’s not white, hence he deserves the scorn.  /s

Love the 1884. Something you can toss back everyday, just finishing off the 1856. The Uncle Nearest story is amazing.

Facebook was opened to non .edu emails the same year Bout was arrested. The entire illicit trade system is completely different now.  Silk Road came into existence and died during that time period. He’s out of his element now.  

I must respond until you have stood in our shoes and had to endure racism as we Black Women have to endure then you cannot imagine what we as Black women go through in this life. Trevor Noah knows because he was raised by his Grandmother and Mother. Its hard to respect what you have not one clue about or your response

Glad she’s back, hope the momentum continues to get more out of Russia.

Word for word, no...misogynists like to hide their shame.
But that take is EVERYWHERE in the first article comments within the hour it got uploaded.

All the people talking about Whelan love to talk about his being a former Marine without mentioning the fact that he was court-martialed for larceny and ended up getting a Bad Conduct Discharge. Also that he’s lied about a lot of stuff in his past. (Claiming he has a college degree when he doesn’t, playing footsie

Bout going free is awful, but not because he’s really dangerous now. It’s simply unjust that he isn’t going to face the full consequences of his crimes.

Can’t edit, so also: there’s no way that 90% of the people bitching about Paul Whelan knew his fucking name before Monday afternoon. Or Friday afternoon. Whenever they were given the edict to be mad at Dark Brandon for this.

That reminds me of a joke.... MTG goes into a bar, and the bartender says, “Why the long face?”

This reeks of fuckery from that horse faced bitch from Georgia.

There’s been a question raised about why the trash-pickup arrests have been made to be about Black people when some Whites have also been arrested over this.

A good follow-up article to this would be to show what kind of fees that Ms. Menefield is going to have forced on her by the state, county or town, resulting from this arrest?