Mojo Hanna

This is proof positive of my mother’s old saying, “Everybody ain’t your friend.” EGAD! What kind of people are these?

Those Russian Hockey players would get treated so much better than Brittany IMO....SIGH...

Yeah...I’m looking at that pic like, did he just finish painting his kids room or something?

Have they blamed the “woke mob” yet, despite no one even knowing this shitty concept even existed?

As a former FDIC agent active in closing multiple banks in five states during the mid 80's to 90's, I’m laughing all the way to my physical and FDIC-insured bank! 😂😂😂😂

I’ll take the administration’s PR seriously after I hear that Sophia has been expelled.

This same piece of crap girl was posted with a video claiming that she can get away with anything because she’s rich.
I know this is not new behavior to witness, but what makes me laugh is if she’s this dumb now...I know she’s going to be the exact type of girl that ends up poor and wondering why her second MAGA

Why the fuck are they labeling a grown ass klanswoman as a “Jane Doe” in their arrest record like she was some kind of juvenile?

STFU, Karen! It’s a slur, cracka head. SMFH

No he did not hold his own. Stop giving this uneducated, ignorant boot licker the benefit of the doubt. So he didn’t fall over on the way to the stage, good for him. The only thing this moron did was create memes that will live on forever and force SNL to rewrite the cold open. 

This is why you don’t move into neighborhoods that have HOAs. They are filled to the brim with little autocrats who want to run other people’s lives because they’re so miserable themselves. 

i doubt an HOA can dictate how you decorate the interior of your home.

Also, it allows them to tell themselves how not racist they are because how could they be racist and also vote for a Black man?

Just a few years ago, this dude was married to Kim Kardashian, had a bunch of kids, and was hanging out with Jay Z and Beyonce. Now he’s divorced and hanging out with Candice Owens. Life comes at you fast.

This confirms my belief that today’s crop of Black Republicans are fakes, scammers, low-ranking opportunists and black self-haters. I dare anyone to name one exception?

When it comes to this whole thing, the only thing that goes through my mind is...

And please, let's not forget his colorism shit aimed at dark-skin Black women - requesting light-skin/"multiracial women only" apply for one of his fashion shows. Time to cut off his oxygen!

I keep saying that this motherfucker needs to be ignored. Stop talking up his fuckery already!

And yet there are still some Black folks supporting and admiring this clown. If you still make excuses for him( oh,his momma died and he ain't been right since,or Kim really messed him up). He's a self hating fool. Anybody that can't see that is willfully and woefully ignorant.

On pure talent, political & social insights, it would be Roy Wood Jr by a mile. But given the current media social profiling, ain't  gonna happen - he's not the right kind of black!