Mojo Hanna

and you get your intellectual and emotional authority from where? watching it or not is their business and they obviously have their reasons. you don’t have to understand and it’s ridiculous for you to question their decision. you couldn’t possibly relate to their circumstance.

What exactly is terrible about pointing out that people are falsely crediting the source of this slang? Whether or not everyone should be able to access all language, origins and etymologies have always been important, and all this article is doing is pointing out that other attributions are false.

Every time someone brings up that tired excuse I have to roll my eyes.

I’m just happy Quinta Brunson’s getting some coverage and love. She’s immensely talented and adorable to boot.

You mean asking the state the finance a project for his daughter’s volleyball team. Improving a university can be a very good thing, but there were no altruistic intentions happening here.

Lets just say a “less sad” ending..

The abused man is still dealing with the physical abuse, destruction of his gear, medical bills from the assault, and no legal recompense coming...

And their pleading guilty was mostly to avoid a harsher sentence and possible financial penalties.. So basically they took the slap on

Best quote?

I mean I was about to call this petty and then I realized it isn’t. It is The Democratic party calling out that collection of filth for the phony ass hypocrites that they are. Drag them through the mud and leave them there but it is what the lot of them deserve. Also, GOP don’t pretend to give a shit about fairness,

Attacking him when the guy is with his young child? That fucker is lucky he’s still alive.

Ah, the classic “I forgot I was a white supremacist” defense.

Second paragraph is complete nonsense. Ain’t nobody keeping anybody inline, and Biden gets criticized plenty. No, Roland and his panel are not pro-45 gumbas, and with a 2-party system, there is no other choice. To vote or not to vote is the question, and I was taught a very long time ago, if you don’t vote you can’t

Being it that I’m a RMU fan, I love this lady. She speaks truth-to-power, is very intelligent, and DGAF about white fragility. She keeps us rollin on RMU. I’m definitely going to order it; just like I pre-ordered Roland’s book White Fear. Both of them will have me laughing myself to sleep, while knowing we’ve got our

Anyone else feel like when they use BLM and Antifa they really just want to say the hard -er version of a certain word. They did it with socialist, thug, communist, and a list of other words. Because those words are usually used in situations that usually involve people of color (primarily black people), they really

No, he did all that for all 3 reasons. Of course he’s a grifter and a thief and scum, but throwing shade on BLM and antifa was not only a bonus, but a sure way to get money from the rubes. So it was everything with a cherry on top.

Easy to way to have immediately known this was insurance (and GoFundMe) fraud: literally NO ONE would be spray painting Biden2020 on anything.

There was a whole raft of hoaxes framing BLM and Antifa that summer, and yet no matter how many were exposed, police and media just kept believing them. Here’s a clue: if someone commits arson and spraypaints “BLM” or “Biden 2020" or the anarchy symbol near the scene of the crime, there is a 100% chance that it was

The antifa and BLM boogeymen are working overtime in the tiny, fevered minds of Trumpland. It’s all projection. Anything a fascist Trumper accuses someone else of, they want to or already have done. Remember umbrella man?

I have some news for everyone in Nevada: it wouldn’t be okay to display the hanging of a White man, either. Since when did lynching OR capital punishment become “entertainment?” All anyone can say about this is W T Flying F?!?

And a classic example of why saying “I don’t see color” isn’t the open-minded, non-racist statement the people saying it think it is.

“We never looked at it as a Black man before,” Jerrems told the Las Vegas Sun.