Mojo Hanna

I’ not sure I see the point in a debate. Walker is so far out of his element, he might as well be in another universe. Which is where the people who will vote for him are coming from, too. They will see and hear what they want to see and hear to reaffirm their preexisting bias against ‘the other’ who they’ve been

Oh look at that. White Christians reinforcing whiteness and white supremacy again. Who could have seen this coming? 

I’m sure the finger wagging they received was absolutely vicious. And they were probably told multiple times not to film that stuff ever again. 

Not new for her. She’s been called out for her shit since at least 2017 and the school has been “looking into it.”

At the risk of backlash or being censored, here goes: Anyone notice the wicked irony of a Jewish professor, Amy Wax, spewing the same kind of racist shit at Black & Asian students that were hurled at Jews not too long ago in Germany? At that time it was rightfully called antisemitism and we know how badly it ended

One would think that her statements from her television segment and her response to the students’ petition would get her decrepit, old ass canned from the university.

Cop logic: Why would you ever try to flee after I just emptied my clip into your car?

I believe it’s time to say that if a cop fired their gun, and an investigation is pending... Their pay should be withheld from them until the investigation is complete. If they are found in the clear, then the funds can be released. If not, those funds go to the family of the person the police shot, as well as that

She’ll cry white woman’s tears and get away with it.

The case doesn’t say if the white campers were also under any influence of shrooms or alcohol or THC (doesn’t say they were tested). Why were they not tested? Could it be equally plausible that they had a bad trip and imagined the threat and killed Spencer?

Jesus, why the fuck would people bring so many weapons on a camping trip? Especially a camping trip where you plan to use hallucinogens?

Not all that surprising given the seeming lack of evidence (seems like it would be pretty easy to fake enough evidence for the others there) to contradict their story.

Everyone thought I was an asshole when I sat my son down in high school a few years ago and warned him about playing, fishing, etc. in the woods and on rural farm land with his white friends.  These folk do not care about us enough to entrust them with our well being.

Fellow Geechee here, love that you included the tawkin in your article; and yes, the eternal monitoring of Black women and girls is fatiguing. When we’re not being copied and imitated we’re being ridiculed or silenced.

I had surgery the month I booked a trip to Europe for 8 months later. I also paid for CLEAR and Global Entry. The flight attendants asked my name several times but I didn’t pay attention that several dudes were waiting with wheelchairs when I deplaned. I was frazzled and nervous so I didn’t notice my pain trying to

White people always want to find petty shit Black people may or may not be doing wrong while entire felonies are occurring right under their nose. 

I see wypipo having entire meals, feeding kids right off the shelves in the store all the damn time.

Those guys are salaried by the Trump campaign. That shit is mercenary work.

They don’t want it but they sure as fuck don’t want YOU to have it either.

Hell even Diamond and Silk would have given some side eye over that line.