Mojo Hanna

There will never be another Denzel Washington - just won’t! As a black person, as a master actor, as a citizen, as a role model for Black folks - especially for Black boys, there isn’t gonna be another Denzel Washington! So let’s move on.

That’s what you got out of this?!? SMDH

“Vhhyyyyy do you insist I learn these Bleck things and be around these Bleck people?! We are just man and voman. I will pretend you have just deep tan and your history, culture, language and traditions do not exist and we vill raise our tan kids that way...let’s call it being colorblind! Except I will teach them to

Sigh, some black men....I’ll never get back the time wasted reading this. I guess it's not aimed at people like me. Still shaking my head...Whatever!!

A thousand voices are harder to ignore than one.

Defunding police IS supporting them. We’re taking things off your plates you’re not equipped to do, ya humps. That leaves you far more time to be ineffectual at all the OTHER things you aren’t equipped to do. 

I feel The Killing Rage that resides in my blood memory. I hope she is getting the support she deserves.”

They apparently couldn’t afford her one small sliver of dignity. I mean it was pretty obvious she didn’t have a weapon, but allowing her to cover herself was apparently a bridge too far?

It just bugs the shit out of me that Black men are so quick to call out so-called resoluteness in Black women then capitulate so quickly and completely to the stridency of random white women.

The legacy left by JustTryIt&SayItTrump has to be dismantled by fighting back each and every time. I previously thought I wanted racism, etc. more out front but naw, I don’t. Seeing how crazily brazen people have gotten over the simplest interactions in the last four years has definitely disabused me of that notion.

There’s a fake ass so-called Christian site that raised money for that lil’ fake ass crying Nazi Fuck Shittenhouse. I’m sure they’ll be happy to raise money for them. I shan’t be helping these assholes out by pointing out the asshole fake Christian site for them.

With all jokes aside, the fucked up part about this is they’ve been saying this variant was actually first discovered in EUROPE not in SA. But they still keep saying it’s a SA variant...... You’ve got a whole bunch of vaccinated (and unvaccinated) people going around without masks spreading that shit. I keep my shit

I would say anti-woman. Any way you look at it, they are sadistic bastards.

The right to counsel means if he cannot afford counsel, the State will appoint and pay for his defense counsel.  If he’s broke now, file a motion to have counsel appointed.  I’ll tell you why that attorney doesn’t want to do that.  Chances are, the Court would then appoint him as that attorney, and the State almost

Anything is acceptable once it benefits them.

I’m sure you’d just be saying “aw, shucks” if you were on trial for a capital offense in a jurisdiction that was 70% caucasian, and ‘somehow’ wound up with an all-Black jury.

POS, lying, muthafuckas will shoot a Black person in the back for simply jaywalking or dropping a gum wrapper! Any gottdamn excuse will do for these twisted bastards to unload their weapons to reinforce their white supremacy. If the dumbass in Georgia hadn’t released that video, 3 racist bitches would have gotten

My people, on the other hand, decided to take a completely different (but par for the course) approach and collectively renamed the new variant after one of the most unbothered kings this world has ever seen...”

When you hear what they are willing to say in public imagine what they must be saying in private.