Mojo Hanna

Not an Ashanti fan at all but last night was a bop indeed.  Maxwell can sing and that’s on THAT!!!  Starsky & Hutch aka Silk Sonic kept the 70's vibe thru and thru!

I had to rewatch Issa’s F’ them kids moment because I was laughing so hard!

Replay that part when Maxwell did the splits.

Thank you for your stories and writing, we can’t miss you because we’re with you wherever the road leads you.

Now playing

Aw, what the hell?! Do I need to snatch off my earrings, put on my gym shoes and come handle somebody up there?! Why eerrrrybody got to go?! Naw, you sit on down and point the cousins where you need us to show up!

Don’t get your hopes up, the federal government won’t do jack shit. They’ll “investigate” then declare there isn’t enough evidence for a trial.

This was a warning. Basically white men have been given the right that if thye do not like you or your political beliefs they have now been given the right to end your life. The fact that he killed two white men and was set free should chill people to their fucking bones. Period. The sick part is to come, this piece

They’re not real allies, they’re anarchists who used BLM as an excuse to go out and try to burn shit down.

Dude has no education, worthless parents, clearly soft and caught on video shooting 3 people, killing two after traveling across stat lines with a weapon as a minor. And he’s white.

The only people of whom I have ever been afraid of or abused by have been white men. I have a diverse history with dating and friendships and social circles. The people who have threatened me with violence or actually taken violent action toward me have all been white men.

Dude, just stop, we know you are not that dumb and that you can take a joke, cause you sure as fuck can take a dick.

Yes, I need my gun for “self defense” when I purposely show up where my enemies are at with my gun. This is literally the exact opposite of any type of “stand your ground” or “castle doctrine” type laws where the entire premise is that you, the victim, were just minding your own business and not looking for trouble. 

There are no lies detected here. More white fathers need to discipline their children.  Look at Matt Gaetz, his father bailed him out of scrape after scrape and all he does is allegedly hang out with people that traffick underage girls. I blame the lack of accountability in the white community.

And of course no mention nor respect for the person who’s now dead.

Daddy still doesn’t love you, sweetie.

Wait. So does that mean *now* is a good time to talk about gun control especially in and around schools? Because last time it wasn’t.

Fuccbois stay fuccboing

This is absolutely true. White people are infantilized by white culture because if they feel bad, they might start asking the wrong questions or acting in a way that changes something, even if it’s just the ability of the white majority to pretend that everything is fine.

I made a conscious decision as a white father

The question needs to be: Can you even make white people feel bad? The answer to that is a Hell no. I mean they shoot us in the streets and blame us for making them do it. They steal our culture and profit from it and then have the nerve to criticize us when we don’t say thank you. They use our children to make