
Yeah, people definitely get tattoos to NOT get looked at.

My fellow Christians, I say this with love in my heart: Calm the fuck down.

Well, the best part about this story is that costco removed the bibles from its shelves. Now, let's just hope that they don't put them back.

I got this tattoo on my face because I like it. If you don't like it then don't look at me.

Of course the pastor had to be 'offended'. He couldn't just think that this was probably a silly mistake and point it out to the staff. No, he had to get angry and go public and make a scene out of something as silly as this.

I agree. I haven't heard one damn thing that I don't like about Costco, except that they're not opening one in my hometown.

I don't really care one way or other about this hullabaloo as long as it didn't distract any workers from putting out sample food. Don't distract the sample food employees!!!

Yeah. This actually makes me like them more, but then I'm an atheist with an occasionally abrasive sense of humor, so.

Costco has apologized and says they removed the Bibles from shelves.

So Pastor Kaltenbach succeeded in getting the store to stop selling Bibles at all?

Seems like just the result a man of the cloth would want, right?

Well played, Colton. Well played.

Old Testament or Kirkland Signature edition?

As you mention, Costco (unlike Walmart) pays their employees a living wage, with decent health benefits. They can label their merchandise any goddamned way they please.

This makes me sad. I look like this naturally (very very blonde eyebrows.) So reading the internet's comments on how horribly repulsive this look is and all the memes of celebrities without eyebrows as a joke gives me a case of the sads.

Queen. I like to say to myself, "I could pluck my eyebrows. Or I could look like Audrey Hepburn. I choose Audrey!"

It's very Lisbeth Salander.

Her? Really?

Who? I mean egg? I mean.... her?


There in the background, is that... Egg?