
There is an interview with Cynthia Nixon (who was married to a man for a while and then a woman) where the guy was like "oh so you're a lesbian now?" And she said something along of the lines "For a long time I was in love with a man and now I'm in love with a woman. I found the perfect person for me and it turned

And if you ever settle down for long-term with one person, it'll be like "Oh, so you were straight after-all," or "Oh, so you were a lesbian the whole time." Argh.

That's the thing about Jez: they'll espouse all sorts of feminist beliefs and viewpoints, but as soon as they fuck up something like the photos of a rape victim thing, they go running back to the "We never said we are a feminist site!!!" and it is just beyond frustrating.

That's what bugs me about this topic. People always always talk about the misinformation and the smear campaigns that feminism has endured, but at the same time, what these women are saying is not shit that was just made up out of the blue. Valerie Solanas wrote the SCUM Manifesto and tried to kill Andy Warhol. The

Thank you so much for this. This patronizing "if you think men and women should be equal, you're a feminist!" shit drives me insane. Because that's just disingenuous. It erases the fact that contemporary Western feminism has generally hewed to a specific brand of identity politics, and it erases the critiques of women

I mean, Jezebel doesn't say it's feminist either. So.

Just like everything else that makes it into the dictionary, feminism is so much more than just a definition. What if we admitted that? What if we admitted that, yeah, actually, for every single one of these stereotypes, there is at least one feminist out there actually saying this shit? (And no, I don't mean like

See this is why I don't understand people bitching about the references to the Avengers cycle of movies - the show is obviously a PART of that universe, and intended to kind of flesh it out, why wouldn't they bring up the things that happen during the films? They're usually pretty big events. I really don't think

who would have thought that a teenager and child molester who only escaped jail time because her parents consented to the wedding wouldn't be in it for the long haul

Now playing

Though Jimmy does most of the comedy in this one, still pretty good.

Are you thinking of Jeremy and Ira?

Now playing

I love when the little animal expert, Jarod Miller would come by. God his and Conan's interactions were so funny. Conan would always be so insulting to him, asking if he was trained and telling him to finish high school. this was one of my favorites, Conan getting chased by a baby kangaroo and then Conan sitting on

I loved those awkward, early years. I'm probably the last to know about this, but I recently found out that Louis CK was one of the original writers for Conan...recalling the older skits, I can totally see that now.

That opening sequence was hard to watch. The poor kid on his bike minding his own business. It always makes me wonder why Whites (as a social group) can't grasp it un their minds why some POC legitimately hate and fear them. Just knowing anything about history would. This season is heavy with racial themes. I kind if

Now that he's settled into his TBS show, I can officially say: it's so much of a better fit for him than the Tonight Show. I mean, not that he didn't deserve it or that he didn't get totally screwed by NBC. But he was too afraid to be edgy on Tonight, and I missed his old shenanigans. He really shines when he's

Wow, the catholic church sounds more wholesome and spiritually nourishing every time I read about it.

Soooo...Miley is starting to grow on me. She actually seems less obnoxious than other rich teenagers. Even Miley (I'M RISQUE LOOK AT ME) knows blackface=bad. It's a great costume.

Also- you *know* you're in trouble when the internet is like, "SEE: MILEY'S A GOOD EXAMPLE OF THIS BEHAVIOR."

I want to be in that room with Rihanna and Snoop ASAP