
How many times do people have to read about child abuse before they start realizing not everyone should become a parent? Every married but childless hetero couple I know gets questioned about when they're going to have kids and/or why they don't have kids yet. Seriously, stop acting like it's the "normal" thing to do

Ok, I'll admit, sometimes kids are awesome.

Kids are basically proof that racism and homophobia are learned behaviors. You're not born with them.

Can he sue the women for the false accusation? Lawyer friends, please chime in.

I confess, I don't have a ton of sympathy for what essentially boils down to "it's not that simple because a bunch of grown women act like hypersensitive children".

For a second I thought Jezebel condoned people being stoned. Turns out I had the wrong stoning in mind when I read the headline. Whoops.

I tried so hard to have a tubal ligation when I was young. I was a single mother of two when I was 21, and even though I had a great job and supportive community, I did not want any more children and had nearly died having my youngest, and was paranoid to the point of celibacy due to having become pregnant twice

This happened in a trailer? The hell you say!

I snorted to myself thinking of this particular painting after reading that comparison:


Yeah, with the amount of kickass actors on that show, the bland eye candy who aren't pulling their weight REALLY stand out.

He probably took some aspirin, put a bag of frozen peas on that shit, and then sat there staring blankly at the wall until John Bradley arrived, whereupon they had a faint chuckle about it and went to bed. Also it was 9PM.

I can imagine it: Same expression as in the photos, falling into his apartment through a window, blandly saying "Oh. I broke my ankle. I'd best call John Bradley."

That looks astonishingly like a young Dexter Fletcher.

This interview has not changed my overwhelming meh for him. Even when he got wasted and broke his ankle breaking into his own apartment, I'm sure he did it as boringly as possible.

Resting bitch face is real.

Yep, this comparison made me smile so hard. Apparently he used Alfie Allen (as Theon) as a model too.

If he's heir to a toilet empire, how come Jon Snow looks so constipated all the time? He seems like a nice guy, but he can't act for shit.

I've had a few guys insist on texting it in front of me "to make sure it's not fake."
Because if it is, you will demand the phone number from the woman who doesn't want to give it to you? Fuck dude. Your number will be blocked as soon as I'm home...

Ugh, yes. That is the WORST.