
Hold ‘em up. What movie is this???

Tell your friend, yes, she does. Although she can be horribly inconsiderate and rude, she never really DOES anything that bad. And she is capable of being contrite. Compare Teresa, Vanderpump et al.

Is that what that fucking movie is about? I literally could not understand what was happening from the trailer.

Ann Coulter bombed and Phyllis Schlafly died. What a weekend!

Bye, Phyllis.

your dog lucy and my dog lucy are remarkably similar. except mine’s also racist against golden retrievers.

I would 100% watch a season of Dancing With The Stars where all the Stars were actually rescue dogs

“I do have to go on the record and say she viewed you like a sister.”

I have a close friend who worked on Long Island Medium in editing and described it as the most soul crushing experience ever. He also thought that the woman was a piece of human trash for conning people. I imagine this is quite the same.

common sense

I can feel my balls retracting into my abdomen.


My hands get sweaty watching these

The radio/tv antenna, while not nearly as tall, seems far more sketchy being that its abandoned and in the middle of seemingly wilderness.

Now playing

It’s the camera effect. Climbing a crane like that is no worst than doing the hike up Half Dome.

I think it’s not helped by the fact that the camera on his head is a fisheye lens. While it allows you to see more of the surrounding area, it distorts everything in the foreground and makes it seem that much more precarious.

Glitterbombing your brain.

Vertigo? I don’t get it, but it does inspire a strong feeling of “NOPE” in me.

I’ll play the base guitar! *