
Which city is most likely to open a She-by-Sheree Boutique?

You ain’t right, sister.

No boyfriends can participate? Or, just the girlfriends only? I dream of the day when we can all participate equally.

But would you then yell, “FIRE!”?

Gurrrrl, she aint right.

I love me a good Christian, but, boy, that bad ones are too much. Let the judgey, condemny, fundamentalisty ones go their own way and leave alone those of us who want to see a bigger picture of the world.

The word on the street is he’s rather short-statured. Also I hear from others that he is, in fact, gay - but he hides this in fear of the church he attends.

Cupcakes are for lightweights who can’t commit.

Now, I’m a fan, gurrrrl.

Lol, and comments like yours.

Your comment, and comments like it, make me less impressed with the overall state of humanity.

This is my mother’s salisbury steak.

God bless her little heart... she also married a gay man.

I, for one, would like to know the amount of money that was required to purchase Kellyanne Conway’s soul?

Well said.

What about gays? You need a few gays to go, too.

Attention: Please add Representative Ima Shankabitch to this list. Regretfully, she will not be attending.

You would have to pay me to go.

Never thought these words would dribble out of ny mouth, but this Jezebel article made me feel stoopid.

A colander would hold more water than your argument. The only thing I’ll actually address is this one thing: a person’s life is worth far more than an amount of money.