
Martin Sheen truly is an admirable man. He is a tireless advocate for farm workers’ rights among (many) other things.

Why didn’t somebody with gloves on just grab it?

Egads, really? Moving parts cause wear? Damn, now they’ll have to shut the entire project down. They must have forgotten. Good thing you chimed in to remind them, otherwise, well, you know...

Full auto weapons involve a higher level of scrutiny from the ATF to acquire. The sale of newly manufactured (post 1986) weapons to “civilians” (non law enforcement or licensed dealer) is also banned, so guns like this are EXTREMELY expensive to come by for the average enthusiast (you’re talking $15,000 for a legal

Elie Weisel, author of the legendary Holocaust autobiography, Night, once reprimanded a letter writer by saying, essentially, “ I do not give you permission to compare your suffering to mine. Our suffering is relative, and fills our own cups up equally.” Which I think is the essential lesson here. Our lives and our

Can’t recognize his family? I figured with his money they’d at least put him in a recovery suite with an HD TV.

Some people are insanely dumb and seem to have a death wish, a defective self-preservation gene or some dangerous combination of the above... That blatant disregard of one’s own safety amazes me.

“Durr, look! A 1,500 foot vertical drop! Imma ride it down to a certain death! #YOLO! ... ... *dies* ”

How can you be such an irresponsible parent?? I don’t understand!!

For the average person, most of the time, a gun is either used against a family member or themselves. Hardly ever (statistcally) is it used against a bad guy.

Why would anyone have a handle of “babyatethedingo”. What did dingos ever do to you?? Why such violence toward dingos?? I don’t understand!

Who needs a hammer when you have fists. Who needs fork and knives when you have teeth and fingers. Who needs to drive 3,000+ lbs of steel at speed when you can run/walk.

The correct spelling of the “full of pus” pussy is still pussy.

I think whoever wrote “pussy” meant “pus-y”, though I like thinking that he talking about “pussy sores.”

If Jesus and the Lord wanted people to be naked, we’d have been born naked. Stop being a pervert, pervert.

I wish actual rent got that low.

What’s weird about it is that they can’t tell him that it’s right there. It’s not about the cookies.

Cruise is a known moron.

I fly the fucking things and I would never fucking refer to it as a fucking 738.