
It was for a few minutes...then it wasn’t...

Totally am! Thanks for your heartfelt comment :)

is that Ahmadinejad?

I applaud Kris Jenner for saying that to Hilton - more people should.

I find it hard to believe that there was a media event that Kris Jenner wasn’t able to insert herself into.

Is left shark MENSTRUATING?

Why is Left Shark’s rectum bleeding?

Just give me the baby and the Steve Buschemi dog and we will all go live happily ever after far the fuck away from these garbage people.

I don’t know, but I would like to be “in congress” with him.

well hello there aydian

You dated Newt Gingrich?

His dick isn't missing. That's a phallusy,

I think he and Chet Haze share that honor.

A few weeks ago I said that I have never met a member or former member of SAE that wasn't a complete asshole. Like clockwork, I got SAE defenders telling me how wrong I was, that their chapters are different and that the reputation SAE has is undeserved. No, no it isn't.

We're gonna need a bigger cross.

Christian Martyr Syndrome.

Thanks for the reply. Professor Burns is indeed a pretty amazing guy. You can visit the Perkins Observatory website here.

I was about to ask if last week's share counts, but then I saw it in the story so: