Should be a slam dunk. How hard is it to corral 7 people?
Should be a slam dunk. How hard is it to corral 7 people?
I am only here to grab a cookie and to tell all you bitches how much I hate the Kardashian coverage on this website.
Just hold on, my friend. Take baby steps toward change, engagement with others. Stay active, go for walks, ride a bike. Do something. The last time i felt that way i looked for like minded people... and found a few at the local Unitarian Universalist choich.
Wait, what, which? I wanna see!
Remind me sometime today to look up the definition of “guilty by association” and how that concept is dangerous and unfair.
The word on the street is it is the opposite... from what i hear.
When do we get to talk about the size of Jared’s penis?
Larry is a pussy.
How come you didn’t mention Benedict Slumberback?
She is the most shallow, empty-headed, self-centered, thoughtless person I have ever come across.
When I reach into a bucket of fuming dog poop, I like there to be some redeeming quality about doing such a thing. If I’m going to watch RHBH, it is a good thing that I’ll walk away with something good about the world. Let Lisa speak, and let me feel better about watching.
That photograph is each chapter of the whole book.
Do you have an editor, Bobby? Articles like this make me so angry. - Based on a passing whim while you sit on the toilet in the morning with MSNBC on in the background - you wonder, “OMG, what can I write about today?” And as your shit goes plop, you think, “I wonder if....” Work a little harder, Bobby.
Trapped = hooked, wrangled, shot, skinned and partly eaten.
There is no getting around it.... people, places and things... if there are people, places and things that you associate with drinking then you have to change your people, your places and your things.
Too soon.
Gawwwwd I hate it when my favorite web sites cover the Kardashians. Gawwwwd. Please STOP.
Yes, he is a shell of a human being.