
Thank you.

The last time I heard a scream like that my mother saw my father drop my little brother on his head near a cage of alligators at Alligator World.

Ramona, in my opinion - and what is this but my opinion - is a crazy, narcissistic, flighty empty bottle of cheap wine.

You could not pay me to see this film. Could. Not. Pay. Me.

Wait a cotton pickin minute, MeBitch. Firstly, what in that article tells you he acted out of entitlement over against the more evident callous derangement? Secondly, you are making sweeping judgement against an entire gender and that they are responsible for all pain to girls, based on the postings of a few misfits

Richard, I send my very best wishes to you. I love you... I admire you... and I think you are great. Rest well, my friend.

But I will say this and you can’t stop me: Ramona is one crazy crass bitch.

What a failure of a burger that was. Thanks, though, for taking me way back.

Heartbreaking. I would do the same. So sad

I do love a Texas accent. Yes, sir.


Thanks for asking, but I’m a little grumpy today... I’d rather just look at pics of hunky cowboys.

Anna, Mr. Carter’s response is reasonable and thoughtful, and I feel you are missing the depth of his position by answering with the quick and the cute.

Glad she is dead. Maybe now, in the presence of Jesus, she’ll be reckoned to the perverted gospel of prosperity she and her thieving husband preached.

Guuuuurl, that weave.

I’m a human spatula. Don’t judge me.

I’m a liberal but I hold Gov. Weld with the highest regard.

All the people should sing a nation’s anthem. Not one person, but all the people.

Please know these crackpots are NOT mainstream Lutherans. They are part of the wacked-out, extreme Lutheran body known as the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. They cray. The ELCA, on the hand, is a welcoming community of Lutherans where everyone is part of the family of God.

If I were in the water with Zac in Hawaii, I would most definitely eat him.