

I wish he would admit he likes fucking men, too.

I would if it hadn’t had such extensive plastic surgery to make it more cock-like.

Yeah well that's all fine and good but that guy bugs the shit out of me.

When everything is wrong, nothing is wrong?

That is one very attractive man.

Scenario C: Harry needed big, baggy pants because otherwise you would see me all up in his royal bisnis.

I bet he’s for Trump.

He’ll be big. You may quote me.

Not only am I a Democratic whore... I’m all hopey and shit while I do it.

Lindsay + engagement = baby = income.

I know she would totally judge me, and that’s okay, but... whatever. Yawn.

What the Ted Cruz! It aint HER xhusband!!!! Gurrrl, you can’t wail like that for someone you didn’t know.

Is he lookin’ at me?

What nasty, horrible people.

This is how comfortable this article/video made me: Sometimes I use soup as a salad dressing. It’s just what I do, and I like it.

...Miss Hugh Grant...

Does Ramona see a psychiatrist? Is someone helping her? I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a privileged, arrogant sociopath.

Okay, Ben. I was just taking one step back. I’m as rabid as the next liberal, but this “justice” serves those who are convicted wrongly. We need this. Yes, there is great disparity in terms of who can afford to exercise this right and THAT is the issue, not the right itself.

Is this the entire truth? The reality is that our judicial system is set up in such a way that one can examine the way in which a trial was conducted, and if a person’s rights were not fully exercised you appeal to the court and say, “Look at this please.” With that said, yes, one needs to have the ability to pay the