
Did Martin Shkreli buy Gawker??

I don’t understand this. It would seem to me that if you want people to read your blog you would make it easily accessible from your other blogs. So let me get this thing straight. SPLOID is still there but I can’t get there from here? I have to go somewhere else first?

Excuse me, Ma’am, Sir? Yoohoo! Hey, you! Gawker! Where’d you put my Sploid? I’m sure it was here yesterday. You bastards! Did you take it and put it someplace out of reach? Would you please, for the love of brain candy, put it back up there in the left hand corner of my screen? Geez. This is why we can’t have nice

Excuse me, Ma’am, Sir? Yoohoo! Hey, you! Gawker! Where’d you put my Sploid? I’m sure it was here yesterday. You bastards! Did you take it and put it someplace out of reach? Would you please, for the love of brain candy, put it back up there in the left hand corner of my screen? Geez. This is why we can’t have nice

This is not a flattering picture of homeboy. I do wonder if he will age well.

She cropdusted him. I’m certain of it. You know how she do.

Do you think Tucker Carlson has ever looked in the mirror and challenged himself to be a better man? If you think he has, do you think the “better man” he aspired to be involved seeing a world bigger than himself? In other words, has he ever thought maybe he should be less of a prick?

You mean like Colts 45 Malt Liquor?

Barb! The last thing I want someone to “help” me with when I’m vomiting is covering my mouth, otherwise known as my “breath hole”, with a huge white cloth napkin. You can’t cork it! Let it flow, Barb!

I hate to sound all judgy and shit, but I would date him if it weren’t for his really weird belly button. We could have been so good together.

This article made even my delicious chicken and rice casserole unpalatable. All I see: scabs and maggots. You bitch.


I dreamed a dream of a world where people did not need fame to make beautiful music. Then I woke, and I found myself getting schlonged by Ryan Seacrest.

I find this HARD to conceptualize.

I’m not one who favors cats.

Meh. Receding hair line. Just like his old man.

Thank you for that. Instead of thinking her (your) story should sound different, I could accept that the way the story is told is part of the sad, difficult story itself.

Yes, the gravity of the message was somewhat lost because of the lack of editing. I’m sorry for her pain. Period. However, podcast listeners (strangers) are not always kindly patient. I had to find restraint in judging the message because of the way the message was communicated. I credit 1 cup of coffee vs. two cups

Podcast was painful to listen to... on many levels.

Beautifully woman.