
Dang? Damn. That bitch made it real.

I would like to see them kiss when the big ball drops down that huge pole.

Scoop: @GovernorPataki is calling his NH supporter this afternoon telling him he will drop his bid for president #fitn

With deep respect for her and her service to the country, I offer my deepest condolences to her family.


Revere yourself.

Oh hell no.

The old man? Geesh, a little harsh, don't you think?

Moody Bible College? Um, no. Give a Lutheran, maybe an Episcopalian... but you gotta keep the fundamentalists over on the right hand side of the room, please.

Turtie, gurlfrand, please leave this show before the ruint you.

I don’t understand God’s world. There’s death, Josh Duggar, hunger, sickness and pain, Fox News, loneliness, Justin Bieber... why, God, hast thou forsaken us?

Moby Dick??? Moby Dick, baby!

What do you mean? Fill us in. What creeps you out? Is it that he is guilty or not guilty. A little more please.

No one deserves illness, tho some have it coming in that it isn’t a surprise given certain behaviors.

I am NOT a fan of spousal abuse but I am also not a fan of articles like this.

I’m not sure who gives me bad irritable bowel worse... these people or Donald Trump.

Reformed smokers are the FRIGGIN WORST! So, as one, I can say this: Ms. Olsen shouldn’t smoke so much. Just saying. Bowls of cigarettes? That “IN YOUR FACE” approach to things like this never end well.

This is all fine and good, but anything beyond the minimal cost of cremation is a fleece. The meaning of one’s death is born in the hearts of loved ones left behind, not in the marketing of a creative funeral director.

Ohhhh, sweetheart, that size sweatshirt is for skinny people. (I’m an adult, and we were in a Costco.)