Baba Yaga Bony Legs

Barely. Certainly not enough to get you preggers. My 'biology of human sexuality'' prof. (and text book) did a good job of debunking this notion. Hey, it's worked for me these last 6 years. Of course, take care to wrap it up if you are sleeping with more thsn 1 person.

If you do it correctly, it actually is. The dude needs to pull out 5-10 seconds before ejaculating.

I snorted. Multiple times.

I live in Irvine. It's...Irvine.

I so agree. SO AGREE.

I LOVE RYAN HIGGA. and I don't often laugh at loud, but I was straight chortling at his lil wayne.

I swear this was posted on Jezebel a few days ago...

Oh good!

Seriously; who was the genius that decided that THIS PICTURE was the best picture for this story?

I tried reading one story from <i>Palo Alto<i> and could not finish the one story.

As a kid, I made newspapers for my grandparents called 'Home News' and would fill it with error-riddled tidbits of what had been happening at home and included an always lame 'Joke of the day'. My grandparents still lovingly show me the yellowing and crumbling paper whenever I come to visit.

Isn't that huffpo?

FYI Arya was not coined by George R. R. Martin. It is an Indian (and persian) name for both boys and girls (though typically boys sport the name). It refers to the goddess Durga.

ack. I just googled out of curiosity and you are right. I feel bad commenting at all, but she looks unhealthy : (

Love your screen name,

Didn't Anna write this? Am I missing something??

Miley, you lucky bitch.

LOLOLOL. I'm seriously laughing out loud that much. And imagining you blaring the song while he got busy...bwahahaha. Too funny.

What was his name?? I must know! I'm guessing 'Fernando'...