
I love Maleficersei. She plans to be a great villain now Ramsey’s gone.

It was a Lyanna who protected Jon when he was born.

Who cares about the dress, I had no idea Mario had horrifying little carnival hands.

SHUT YO MOUTH! You’ve been living the American (well, this Americans) dream!

Trump and his side-piece, photographed after a recent rally.

Who is Adam “Calvin Harris” Wiles??

because she upgrated for better model

So confused. Didn't they break up? Why would CH feel betrayed? Why am I, as a grown man, concerned with these things? These are troubling times we live in.

I have no mercy for him either. Good riddance. Also, that top photo of him is amazing- he looks like the tooliest tool to ever toolbox.

Didn’t he also visit a massage parlor while they were dating? Calvin is kinda cute but I swear I feel like I’ll catch an STD just looking at him.

Guy Who Used To Date Taylor Swift Talks. No One Cares.

I eat out alone all the time. Jake Gyllenhaal has never hit on me. Drunk old men - yes, plenty.

Zero sorry. She owes him jack shit.

I mean, the Hiddleston/Swift make out pics were staged, we all agree on that right? The question now is if a wealthy, successful and worldly business woman staged pictures to piss off a douchey, name-appropriating ex-boyfriend. Because that’s pretty hilarious if it’s the case.

Man moves on from a relationship —> Good for you kiddo for getting back on the horse.

Woman moves on from a relationship —> You betraying she-beast!

Aren’t unsolicited dick pics the second stage of relationship grief or something?

Especially not if he's sending dick pics to random women. Cry me a fucking river, dude.

Wasn’t he, like, not in love with her and they broke up together?

Yes yes yes! Is he her oldest boyfriend to date? He’s baby making/ marrying age :D