Can’t go wrong with clothes made of curtains!
Can’t go wrong with clothes made of curtains!
That is a cute blouse. But I'm totally disillusioned with Modcloth at the moment. I bought some dresses from them after stalking the site for yeeeeeears and the quality is just not worth the price.
Unless you are unhinged and decide to shoot your dad because he beat you?
Depressed?? Being depressed after a breakup fucking sucks, but it’s normal. You eat too much ice cream, are maudlin around your friends, maybe have some ill advised hookups or drink too much, listen to sad songs on repeat, and you get. over. it.
Don’t worry, he has a vaguely latino last name.
Some men and boys don’t know how to handle rejection. Women and girls shouldn’t be afraid how a guy will reaction when he’s told no.
He got his gun from a locked gun cabinet. So even if a gun owner is “responsible” with his guns, we’re still fucked because teenagers can figure that shit out fast. (Says a former teenager who knew how to access her dad’s gun locker from the age of 13 or so.)
Hopefully he wasn’t a football player or swimmer. I’d hate for his future to be ruined.
All boys are men and all women are girls, so sayeth the Cruz.
The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense.
I read this interview last week and I remember being reeeeeeaally fuckin angry at his sanctimoniousness. This guy is an entitled shit.
He is the definition of a tv nobody - why not cut losses and just recast?
Also his insipiring speech about not givin’ the D until the recipient is as wet as a baby seal. Mad respect Tormund.
Look, I am rooting for Tormund, I really am. But he’s being a total idjit about all this. Just talk to Brienne. Maybe start with, “hello.”
Man, she’s such a good actress! The way she captures all the various nuances of Brienne’s character is just masterful! <3
I’m so ready for a guy to be utterly in love with her instead of her bearing all of this unrequited love for assholes.
I honestly am praying for a little Brienne/Tormund fling. I love her so much, and so far she’s 0 and 2 concerning unrequited love. Like, let someone fall for HER for a change.
lol damn that first one is a man falling in loveee
If that’s all they saw of him definitely. Part of what makes Tormund so popular with the show’s female fans, from this guy’s perspective, is the way he’s been presented since his introduction. He’s not just a bearded slobbering lug, he’s a born leader who cares about his people and his interaction with female…