Yeah, good point, interesting article, mirrors the cuurent landscape except now we’d all be Photoshopped and social media-shamed, blah blah blah.... BUT:
Yeah, good point, interesting article, mirrors the cuurent landscape except now we’d all be Photoshopped and social media-shamed, blah blah blah.... BUT:
That is revolting. If she seriously thinks people have no value on the planet other than to replicate themselves...I can’t even.
Remind me not to swim in your pool. ;)
There’s like a 2% chance that I want children, and a 2% chance that I can conceive them. So I guess that works out.
My favorite “advice” was “just stop thinking about it, and it will happen.” Um, no. We waited until the exact perfect time, even though everyone always said, “if you wait until the perfect time, you’ll never have a baby!” And I was ready to be pregnant NOW. I was in my early 30's, nearing the end of my graduate degree…
Adoption was actually our first choice. That makes us in the definite minority. We were lucky enough to adopt 5 beautiful babies. I sincerely don’t want to sound meanspirited but I have never been so in love with my own genes that I felt that I HAD to pass them on.
She didn’t do anything to deserve it. No one deserves to be killed, especially in front of their own children.
I did not understand it for the longest time, he never did anything for me physically. Then I started watching and reading interviews and he came across as an incredibly pleasant and sincere person and also a total dork and nice, earnest dorks are my favourite thing.
So then it’s just as well this is the episode I gave up and folded laundry. I increasingly didn’t know what tf was going on, and basically decided to quit. I’m going to assume someone dies at the end.
Listen to him reading poetry and report back to me.
I didn’t at first. But he’s grown on me. And he seems quite charming in interviews.
This is an outrage! Outrage!!
Yeah. If you’d kept your hot mess of a husband: Alive, employed, managed, fed and clothed and supported and he KEPT stepping out... I can support her and any woman who says, “enough.”
Arggggh what the hell is wrong with people. That’s the same logic as people who decide to have a baby to save their marriage.
One time, my friend and I called a crisis pregnancy centre just to see how they would counsel a woman considering abortion in a situation of domestic violence... The man on the other end of the line said that maybe the fictional boyfriend would mature if he knew he was going to be a father...because you know, having…
Sporta explains that these centers use names that sound similar to those of abortion clinics—including typefaces and logos—and staff people whoseem like medically-trained professionals, but aren’t.
Hovering pisses (heh) me off. I've been using public toilets properly for 28 years and haven't suffered from boils/crabs.. I yell at gross mfers who piss everywhere 😠
They’ll put in a new section called Literal Prophecy
This book should be moved from the Fiction to the Non Fiction shelves.
It's not cool to judge people on how they look. Like that guy did with the woman who wanted to use the bathroom and told her she didn't dress as such. How would he like it if he wanted to use the men's room and someone told him he looked like a woman because of his gynecomastia and that he couldn't use the bathroom?