I’ve seen solid consists of Canadian Pacific, Canadian National, UP, BNSF, and even Kansas City Southern pass through Berea on a regular basis. Pretty much anything goes on anybody’s rails these days.
I’ve seen solid consists of Canadian Pacific, Canadian National, UP, BNSF, and even Kansas City Southern pass through Berea on a regular basis. Pretty much anything goes on anybody’s rails these days.
Too flashy for my liking.
You forgot blowing up model cars and airplanes :) .
Just because it has UP power don’t mean it’s a UP train. UP‘s tracks go no further east than Chicago but I see UP units running through Berea, OH evry day on NS and CSX.
It’s quite possible it IS a BNSF train as locomotives of the big 6 roads (BNSF, CN, CP, NS, CSX, and UP. as well as smaller roads such as KCS) run on other roads for many reasons such as when one road is owed horsepower-hours by another road, one road may be leasing units from another, or it could just be run-through…
Not too bright, this one...
Stupidity. Plain, simple stupidity. Period.
A little advice... DON’T STOP ON THE FUCKING TRACKS! EVER!!! There’s is not one single solitary justifiable reason to stop on railroad tracks... NOT ONE. Just fucking DON’T! Damn... fucking stupid people!!!
So, uh, when will this country wake up and make filming vids vertically a capital offense???
Years ago I had a 3.8 powered ‘88 T-Bird and I would regularly get 31-32 mpg on the highway.
“This is going to end badly” The understatement of the year.
What, no “hock a loogie on their windshield”?
Not that easy on a two lane road...
Accidents happen with or without lane splitting. Your experience is nothing more than anecdotal evidence.
If lane splitting were ever to become law here in Ohio there’s no way I’d ever do it. It’s bad enough trusting the average idiot Ohio driver not to kill me when I’m in my own lane, you think I’m going to trust them when I’m between lanes? No. Fucking. Way.
My clutch is broken so I can’t do any paradigm shifts right now.
Absolutely fucking BRILLIANT!!! Teh Internetz are yours!
You’re assuming that this happens on multi-lane roads. More often than not it happens on two lane roads, so that’s not an option.
Yep. Kinda hard to have any sympathy for the goofs that fall for this crap.