
The criticism is that it is almost always done for upvotes and not out of any altruistic inclination.

White Tears: The term progressive Black morons use to “own” White people while shedding their own in frustration and anger.

You’re welcome. This will give you all something to yell about... Comments looking a little light today.

Seems disingenuous to use the argument that these WW2 shooters were NEVER authentic when defending that Battlefield trailer (as well as several other instances in the recent past) and then turn around and hold them up to some arbitrary standard just because it’s popular to bag on the sales behemoth. Go back to writing

Good luck. You were already out of the greys, dummy, by Foxstar’s hand. And you’re not going to do anything. Even if by some small chance you were able to get me banned I’d be back in 5 minutes on another burner just to let you know how insignificantly I take your empty threats. Please, go on.

Shoot this bitch a few times and see him really cry.

You’re right.

I’d vote for her and I’m allegedly racist.

Why do judges trust officers’ statements more than civilians’ again? How many thousands of times must we prove they’re mostly liars and violently power hungry savages before they lose the preferential treatment? They should be held to HIGHER standards, not lower ones because of the profession they choose to be in. I’m

You don’t think White kids get bullied?

Simply telling the truth.  Your feelings on the subject don’t interest me.

Simply telling the truth.  Your feelings on the subject don’t interest me.

I’m not the one telling people they aren’t allowed to have the opinions they do. You don’t want to talk about race.  Nobody here does.  You want to dictate your bigotry as gospel and you don’t want anyone else to have a say in the matter. 

I didn’t oppress anybody and only responded that way because of various insults and threats leveled at me. Comments yesterday literally called for the genocide of white people but I’m the racist one here.

The best part about Skyrim is the sex&murder dungeons.

Not touching this one.  That little murderous shit deserves to die. 

Funny, I’ve not been banned for hate speech yet... I’m certain any second now...

Yes.  Because popular ideas are automatically the best and only valid ones.  We’d be living on a flat world at the center of the universe with you in charge, mate.

I don’t hate Black people. I disagree with the way some of them think about race.

No I’m not. Definitely. The point is prescribing evil to an entirerace’ of people is fucking stupid and anyone who does it is a fucking stupid nazi fuck who need to die.