
I didn’t go anywhere, brother.  I didn’t do anything terrible.  You think Black people are superior which is the same mentality the literal Nazis had.  I am not responsible for the entirety of history any more than you are.

Black people murder one another over sneakers and chicken sandwiches.  Nice try, racist.

Ladies and gents we’ve found the resident genocide advocate!  

.0185% of fully vaccinated people have died of Covid. There is zero credible evidence that it has any outlying negative effects. What exactly do these idiots think is going to happen to them if they get the shot?

Counterpoint: Joe Biden is the president.

Trump was president. America voted him into office. You raised him up like he was the best of us!  Fuck America and everyone in it, including you and your entire family.

You gonna let the 8 million PoC that live in Texas out first or are you wishing death on them too because a politician started a twitter feud with a godamned puppet? Totally rational comment. Not the rambling of a psychopath at all! 

literally the only way anybody will ever pull your sorry ass out of the greys is insulting “trolls”.  It drives you mad that The Root pulled me out but not you doesn’t it?  Poor widdul baby.  I’m too busy laughing to cry!


I don’t think most of Mel Brooks films have aged well. They were a product of the times in which they were made.

Voted for Bill Clinton twice. Voted for Al Gore. Voted for John Kerry. Voted for Obama twice. Voted for (sigh) Hillary Clinton. Voted for Biden. Please, tell me again about my conservative tears.

I’m a lifelong Democrat dumbass.


If I’m a colonizer you’re a violent drug dealer with multiple baby mamas you don’t pay support to.

10 years from now people won’t remember Megan.

Still curious how they are going to keep a community hyped for a glorified expansion pack over a year away at a minimum.  A community that will be watching the professionals playing a game they don’t have access to yet, with no new content for the same old version they’ve been playing for years already.

Maybe the NFL will buy themselves another uncle tom like Jay-Z so you can forgive and forget, eh? Kaep’s a much better conman than he ever was a quarterback. he solved that whole BLM fiasco yet? No? Too busy making self aggrandizing Netflix joints? Yeah... Figures.

This entire article is crying over conservatives wanting an alternative to the progressive liberal culture that has taken over universities all over the country.  But yeah... I’m so “triggered”.  Tell me what I’ve said that was racist!  Luckily I can wipe away these racist tears with my white privilege.  I hope you

My thoughts and feelings are the only ones that are valid. Your social score will be based on how many diversity points your chosen identity hits. All other thoughts will be outlawed. We are a progressive hive mind and we know what is best for all.

Speaking of indie games getting finished, Bright Memory releases it’s expansion for free tomorrow.