
Way to intentionally miss the entire point of their comment. It’s clearly pointing out how white parents are losing their shit because their kids are learning about historical racism. Get your head out of your ass.


Reporting him as hate speech is satisfying.

This is absolutely hilarious.

I wonder if Harriot actually believes that his are the only ideas that are valid. The culture war long ago stopped being about wanting what’s best for everyone and has devolved into a tired round and round of one-upping the other side.”

Feels like this article could have used the input of someone that actually understand taxes.

Q: What’s the difference between Ted Cruz and Big Bird?

Well the comments are showing that whiteness just cannot stop itself from sounding dumb. Guess that is just whiteness being whiteness.

This school is completely lame, but this is false: Did the admissions office from your first choice reject your application because of affirmative action (and your grades and SAT scores...but mostly affirmative action)? Everyone gets 4.0 these days. People do not not get in a school because of grades (i.e. grade

Stop talking about yourself

Why is this bridge dwellers out of the grays?

So you don’t know who he is but think you should be commenting on him... yep... that’s typical “woke” people.... speaking and protesting without any proper knowledge of what they are talking about.

I especially appreciate the quote from Robert Rubin, Travis McMichael’s lawyer, “When seconds count, the police are often minutes away” given that video establishes the McMichaels were in their truck hunting Mr. Arbery for 5 minutes before attempting to contact the police [1].

Fuck that clown. Posting this link because cats like this deserve coverage. Hell, it could be an idea for a series exploring black professionals’ lives and careers.

Dismiss the loser racist troll.

i’m fine with these racist outing themselves and getting in trouble for it.

Dismiss the racist loser troll.

Yep, that triggered fuck is triggered.

Lol he’s so triggered.

I grew up in Utah, so my team was the choke specialists themselves, the Jazz. I would love there to be some proof that Jordan was treated differently, but I also know I could make the same montage starring Malone, or almost any other player who spent enough time with the ball.