Axle-busting slow. Tire shredding slow. Tire-de-beading slow. Flipping over slow. Flipping back slow. Breaking all the motor mounts slow. Twisting off the rear leaf springs slow.
Axle-busting slow. Tire shredding slow. Tire-de-beading slow. Flipping over slow. Flipping back slow. Breaking all the motor mounts slow. Twisting off the rear leaf springs slow.
But, guns are baaaad.
But, guns are baaaad.
This article’s title needs a mobile shout-out...and maybe a “for”
I and my whole family are way into guns, its just a set of tools for us, but also a great recreational activity, and necessary for many aspects of our lives. That being said, I don’t like toy guns, I didn’t let my kids have them, I don’t do lasertag, paintball, or airsoft especially. Why?
Also the IOS app “Star Walk” and equivalents.
How do we instead, demand action for Crazy Control?
I can prove to you that every word is offensive, because we’re speaking the language of the winning side. #aho
Tucker’s not done; there’s more legal action against him.
Money is a frangible, portable, expression of labor. Take people’s money, and you’re taking their work, which, is limited in their working, its taking part of their life. We have plenty of people, putting a unrepentent dick in jail is no loss to humanity.
Shit loans ~= Opiates. “Here, click here, sign this...thanks!”
Elaborate pls? From whom to where? The wife said “take ya can...give nuthin’ back!!!” Aka “...pirate (shrug)“
ONE Charge Each???????¿¿¿¿¿ WTH?
Yeah they had the prelim. otherwise there would not be a NO BAIL status. Habeus Corpus, and all that, they have 72hrs to have a prelim. hearing. Good stuff.
And you need Emotional Support Police Officers, Emotional Support Burger King Window Attendants, and Emotional Support Plumbers. We need to fill the ranks SOMEHOW.
Always makes me happy to see overloaded trailers on jacked pickups with drop-tongues going 86 in the fast lane. #pray
Bespoke! Hand-crafted in Ney-VAH-duh, in The Colonies!
Yep, its the handling. The indignant tone, combined with unreasonable expectations.
I’m anti-hide-behind-words.
And they’re all dead.
“Better” for whom? The Bo$$es.