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    I concur. Calling it “autopilot” basically just loses all lawsuits in advance. Even “autopilot” on a “plane” isn’t “autopilot” because 1) a “plane” is not just one kind of thing and 2) even on the same plane (e.g. Cessna 182) you can have 3-4 levels of “autopilot” and that’s 1/100,000th the autopilot of a modern

    I’m not “helping out” I’m saying “these plates have been here a while. Why don’t you look at them for a spell.”

    Pills in trash get into the water table, one way or another.

    Stuff disappears out of take-back programs. Mix with concrete, then hurl into the Sun...that’s what I do. #justiceleague

    In ‘04, we user rocket engines mah boy. Rocket engines.

    “Herbert Hoover”,....seriously? You should be banned from cut-and-paste.

    I can’t wait to read this, it sounds great, and enviously simple. Ever read The Go-Giver?

    What is the meaning of the right-half of the top prohibition? I get the left half “no touch” but “don’t sit at bottom of stairs” or “don’t scratch your butt on stairs” or “don’t strike a vogue” part is mysterious. #dyslexic. Oh and btw, take a picture of a dude in a dark charcoal suit with a BeeGees hair style in

    It’s like saying “it was the match company that started the forest fire.”

    Proof that 1) people are young 2) dumb as a bag of dirt. There’s been 100's of launches we Valley folks have seen since the Olive Drab era.

    Minors can’t give consent. They are unperson.

    Why do you get benefits? Shouldn’t you just do your “stupid” job for the wage?

    Settlements with NDA’s. Attorneys call that “private legislation” where, with the cooperation of the victim, reality can be warped, and the offender can continue to offend.

    Twitter has 10,000 bloggers on speed-dial and we had to wait A DECADE for this?

    Its clearly their main talent...

    ...and storage! Their rework rate can be measured with a camera equipped drone, trivially! Drone goes up, camera slews, SNAP, drone goes down. Compare to trucks leaving and you have the rate. TQM is all about “no defects = no place to stick reworked cars = no in-process parts storage”. You’re welcome.

    Tavarisch had to obtain the learnin’. A 630CSi Euro spec. taught me.

    They’re 2 year cars.

    Uber’s staff is mainly folks studying and circumventing regulations/laws. Its not 14,000 web page programmers and marketers. Isn’t that what they have? A web page, two apps, and a brand?

    Its just the tearing-down of what “is” to make room for a big, empty, “soon to be”.